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[–]Immortallogic 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Unfortunately most women are way more male identified than female identified, have been indoctrinated from birth to be docileb and malleable, and consume media that is usually made by males and puts brotherhood on a pedestal while shitting on sisterhood and Making it seem that women are all catty, superficial and should be against one another.

If it's not totally that, its also that women are way more empathic, understanding and welcoming to groups (women are more likely to volunteer, to give charity, etc) and so they think that by being 'inclusive' to preying men who pretend to be women etc, they are doing the right thing.

Many don't have a backbone and/or they're too afraid to step outside what they're told by the mainstream because they have been brainwashed and also don't think critically (women? Women don't need to think! They just need to obey and make sure their hair, nails, and make-up is impeccable!!).