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[–]Apricot_Ibex 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Where I live, vocal TRAs are a non-entity so far (thank goodness) but even slightly gender role-divergent men (such as your BF) and women will get plenty of nasty comments from church going good ole boy types. It’s “not okay” to dress or act out of the norm for one’s biological sex, or to be gay (which are 2 totally different things, but they get all lumped together). It’s not even okay to be a married woman and keep your maiden name (that’s assertive and “masculine”) 🙄. Gay teens still get thrown out of their homes and I’m sure those same parents would have stricter ideas on gender roles as well. Local politicians still want to “pray it away” etc.

With the “help” of the internet, “transtrending” is taking off to the point that I know 3 TiFs (all butch lesbians) locally. One was thrown out of her home in high school for being gay and found her girlfriend online- now they’re both TiFs. If aggressive TRAs start to take off more here, it’s going to get worse, dogpiling on top of the conservative local culture to where GNC and/or gay teens are either told they’re sinful, unnatural and will burn in hell or that they’re “trapped in the wrong body” and need surgery...this is so fucked.