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[–]sisterinsomnia 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I hope that you are right about the fads having passed in ten years, though I am not convinced. Most such fads of the past have disappeared fairly suddenly, true, but they never had the same level of economic interests invested in them. So I have thought of alternative ways to fight in case the fad doesn't end. One of those would be a feminist site for cis women. I hate the term 'cis' because it has a definition which does not apply to me but which is forced on me, but if I had to I would accept it because the only way we can continue addressing sex-based oppression would be within that framework. It would be interpreted as transphobia and exclusion and all that, but I don't think it could be stopped. And it would allow the 98% of women or so who are happy to identify as women and also have female bodies to discuss their shared concerns. The concerns of trans men are often the very opposite, so including them doesn't make any sense, and the concerns of the nonbinary female-bodied people are their own business in my opinion, given that they have made their own 'not like other girls' deal with patriarchy.