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[–]Sun_bear 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Facial hairs, strong jaws and 'masculine' features on women of colour? Erm... No? Do these people read this ridiculous shit that they write? I don't even know where to begin - do I point out women are more than their looks? That 'women of colour' is an incredibly diverse group? That there exist within all races women who look more dainty and women who look more masculine? That this statement is super racist and insulting? That white beauty standards are deeply regressive and anti-feminist? That I have never in my life mistaken a woman for a man, regardless of what race they are? That even if a woman who looked like a man did exist they would still be a fucking woman?