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[–]Realwoman 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Which were the dissenting trans people subs?

[–]catoboros 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

r/rightwingLGBT (banned in the first wave) and and r/uncensoredLGBT (banned in the second wave).

r/rightwingLGBT had some right wing nastiness, but was about two-thirds disaffected liberals moaning about leftists, most of the rest being libertarians, with a few token actual conservatives. Many trans people of all viewpoints and robust debate. Many GC and droptheT types. Anti-trans comments were widely rebutted by the community. No one there liked TRAs at all. It was a great community. This was my top sub. (GC was still my #4 after six months of inactivity, for a handful of posts.) r/rightwingLGBT was banned to protect dissenting trans from ourselves, I guess.

r/uncensoredLGBT was founded by a leftist who was banned from r/rightwingLGBT for being too left wing. Trans inclusive. Completely miquetoast totally uncontroversial sub. The mod brought on a second mod to fend off false flag posts and ensure compliance with the new Reddit rules on "hate" content. This was my home after the first banwave. The ban was totally unexpected and emptied my inbox. I guess it was banned for being an LGBT sub not controlled by the ruling clique. Or my fact-based discussion of why I disagreed with some of JK Rowling's essay but respected her right to free speech. We have reformed on Ruqqus +LGBT.