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[–]_UngodlyFruit_ 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh I completely agree. Same sex attraction between consensual adults has been documented amongst almost all cultures throughout human history, and I consider it to be a normal variation of human sexuality. Transgenderism on the other hand, at least as we have come to know it in our current times, is a new phenomenon supported by dodgy scientific claims and a complete denial of material reality. I really feel for LGB people right now, as their movement for equal rights has essentially been usurped by the TQ crowd, to their own detriment. They can't even attend their own Pride events and groups anymore without being shamed for having "genital fetishes". Public support for the LGBTQ movement has steadily gone down in recent years, and it's one hundred percent due to these mentally unstable TQ types.

You're right about the transgender movement being closely associated with toxic porn culture and social media. Any kid with internet access can now easily find vast amounts of the most hardcore and extreme porn online with just a few clicks. Parental controls are easy enough to circumvent, and kids have ways of sharing this content with each other without their parents knowledge. When you consider that these kids are growing up with regular exposure to material that presents women as sex objects who enjoy being degraded and sexualized by society, it makes sense why so many young girls are all of a sudden identifying as non-binary or trans. Social media also makes it incredibly easy for pedophiles and other predatory people to connect with and influence potential victims. It isn't a coincidence that a lot of these vulnerable kids who are toying with the idea that they might be trans are being told by strangers on the internet that their parents don't love them or support them if they question their identity. It's classic grooming behaviour.