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[–]Jamiethiel2018 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hmm, yep telling libfems that sexual orientation is gender based, is a bridge too far, but hey there's middle ground! Everything public is ok, just don't inconvience me in my bedroom.

God damn I hate how selfish & short sighted the main stream appears. No problem, I'm secure in public life, have at it.

And notice how the discussion is ended right there before anyone can take it to its logical conclusion? Psst: Laws are based on sex not gender. If homosexuality can no longer be a protected characteristic, neither can women as a class with that self referrential definition.

And not having checked the subs being banned or seen receipts of said hatred, some people are rather free with other people's rights.

Preaching to the choir, but damn it, make an informed decision!