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[–]Lilith_Fair 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They already did several times. All the incidents were reported on r/GC. Wasn't here a handmaiden who wrote books about transing kids or something, and some TRA started up shit saying she was getting too much attention and making too much money off the movement when she wasn't a trans person herself? And didn't Jamila what's her face got bashed too for some innocuous wrong-speak? And just a few days ago Jodi Colmer got mobbed for OMG dating someone who supports Trump.

Sadly the Handmaidens are like victims with Stockholm Syndrome. They just have to--and often do--publicly self-flagellate and ask for forgiveness. I tell you it's a fucking cult.