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[–]crodish 25 insightful - 2 fun25 insightful - 1 fun26 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I'm kinda a fan of BW - they're "the wrong kind of trans" that they at least acknowledge their biological sex as a male, that transition doesn't change that, dysphoria is their method of coping, we don't have entirely the same experience, etc. The way they speak in their videos also seem pretty rational and well-thought out, and they do bother to do their whole research on something at least and often try to present both points of view. I've heard some stuff about them being misogynistic and maybe a couple occasions where they might have "spoken for women", but on the whole they're sensible. I don't really care about their appearance as long as they're happy with who they are.

The real TRA I have an issue with are the ones you see all over Twitter and the like, who keep insisting TWAW and that trans women rights are also women's rights because TWAW because ad infinitum. Or worse, just straight up men who do that, too. But it really riles me up whenever people go, "wHaT MaKeS JKR qUaliFieD to SpEaK aBouT TraNsPeoPle" like shut up, she's talking about HERSELF and HER rights as a woman! But the TRA always have to be the center of everything, so

[–]uglyelephant121[S] 29 insightful - 2 fun29 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I miss GC because at least GC knew to call men 'he/him' instead of tiptoeing around with 'they.' You have good points that Blaire seems to be a more rational TiM, but as I wrote above, 'How do you miss Blaire's numerous videos on 'feminism is cancer' and making fun of radical feminists? How do you miss all the pro-MRA videos Blaire has put up? If you only pay attention to Blaire's videos on transgender people, yes, he'd seem like a reasonable TiM. But you'd have to ignore all of his anti-women videos to come to that conclusion. At the end of the day, Blaire is a man and I feel disgusted that he feels the right to degrade women and radical feminists while propping up men and the alt right.' I get because he passes well (only due to favorable angles/lighting) it is easy to forget he's not a woman and I've even accidentally referred to him as 'she,' but as I said in the previous sentence...

[–]CaliforniGinger 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)
