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[–]Syphii 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I noticed that as well. This entire post feels malicious. I have been with r/GC daily since 2014, and I would have dropped this group in a heartbeat if I honestly thought racism was being allowed in this group. The most questionable post I've experienced was discussing how to physically differentiate between males and females aside from sex organs, which was shut down incredibly quick saying we don't allow body shaming here. There have been multiple posts about TRA and their blatant racism, which has been heavily criticized here for being racist.

The only example she provided of us supposedly being racist isn't even from us, and the rest are links to comments asking for proof. That example is from a fascist vegan account @gab, which I have no idea why that is being attributed to us. It's like blaming us for alt-right groups posting here (saidit) who we are not affiliated with, and we have literally no control over other saidit groups here. In addition to all of this, our mods are equal members of this community and they are in no way 'leaders' for radfem groups. Hopefully, this is a misunderstanding of how saidit and spinster websites work but I'm rather pessimistic.