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[–]Moonkittie 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I feel you. I always felt out of place and scared to express my views whole heartly in my countrys feminist circles, because they were so different. At one point I felt that Im not a feminist at all, because how can I support women rights but say that trans are not real women? They attacked JK Rowling and I stayed quit, because if I'll speak out to support her, I'll be banned. I was scared but also so angry that no one of those said women shared my views. With the whole JK Rowling-thing getting bigger and bigger I finally found r/GenderCritical. I teared for finally feeling at home. I'm not crazy, here are other women who share my views! Who agree with me! I fell inlove with the community. The discussions. I became passionate about the cause, joined the GenderCritial facebook community. And I never been active on social platforms before at all. I downloaded a nice amount of radfem literature. I found my safe place within r/GenderCritical. Every morning I had a routine of coffee and r/GC, every night before bed as well. I honestly felt blessed and had so much gratitute for the sub. I learned so much from it, and from the amazing women there. The day it got banned I deleted everything Reddit-related. My partner said that he never saw such a strong reaction from me regarding anything raleted to the social platforms. I really cried and still feel heart broken. It was MY safe place, how dare they?!

I'm sorry for the long rant, its just that I feel too much about it. And I'm happy that it brought other silent lurkers like me to become active and speak up. They may try to silent us, but they wont succeed.

[–]SameOldBS 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There will be new communities, and GC isn't going away. Think of it as just widening your net. x