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[–]Lilith_Fair 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm watching the conversation in this thread develop and I'm worried it'll take a wrong turn because no one is clear what OP is talking about, and she hasn't come back to clarify. I can't speak for all WOC, but I'm Asian-American. I used to lurk on the r/GC sub too, and I honestly have not seen or felt any racism here or there. In fact, I was quite impressed when I first discovered r/GC to regularly see discussion threads about international women's rights, as I always find feminism in the US to be myopic and limited to first world issues and blind or tone deaf to oppressions in less developed places and countries.

That said, I don't believe OP is a troll. Her post history here shows she is a good faith participant in the GC discussion. Her post is very cryptic about what she's displeased with, so I'm quite confused myself at this point. It seems that she might be talking about the platforms where our sub is hosted, and her dissatisfaction with what happens outside of the sub is meshed with what's happening in the sub? For example, Spinster is connected to Fediverse. And I have no doubt Fediverse might have some very alt_rightish spaces. This place, Saidit, can be very repulsive too. On the Home page I've seen some very revolting racist and antisemitic posts which I haven't seen on most places for years. It makes me really angry to know that the leftist purity police has now left us to rely on these horrible people to be the defenders of free speech. If this is OP's issue, then I'm not sure what we can do about it until the old r/GC mods have their own platform up and running.

From OP's post history, I did see one engagement she had with someone that touched on the subject of racism. It seems to me that the person she was engaging with is not so much GC but a wanderer in here from the main sub?? Again, these kind of engagements are sometimes unavoidable because there will always be people who came across this sub by random or curiosity. It's the nature of a public forum. I don't see most of these randoms as a problem as they usually are here by accident. They lose interest very quickly and leave shortly, unless they are here in bad faith to cause problems, in which case the mods will handle that.

Also, I don't think right now being on an open-speech sub is equivalent to buddying up with alt_rights. We can't condemn speech policing, and then insist on speech policing ourselves. One of the reasons I feel I can finally post a lot more freely now is because I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells here anymore, the way I felt I had to on Reddit as I never knew who might be watching, even though I took a lot of precautions to make sure I was anonymous. I don't want the egg-shell culture to take over here. If someone has an issue, I hope it can be stated clearly what the specific problems are, and we can talk it out in the open so we can arrive at a place with better understanding, or clear up any misunderstanding.

OP: I hear you. I empathize with you. But a general complaint against racism is not helpful. This is a discussion forum. There are no leaders or leadership positions. You're welcomed here. Sometimes there are individuals who might be ignorant of something or another, but we also have to take into account that there are commenters or subscribers are from all parts of the world. Some are not going to be up-to-date or sensitive on racial issues that only affect the US or certain countries. Also, not all commenters are GC women. It's best to note who is speaking to get a better context. If something has upset or offended you, let us know what it is and let us try to come to a place where we can all express our grievances freely.

To everyone else, until we can get some clarifications, please stop all the guess works. DO NOT go Robin DeAngelo here please!! As a WOC I implore you that is the last thing we need.

Edit: for clarification