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[–]itsnotaboutewe 22 insightful - 3 fun22 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

I peaked years ago but today was the first time trans lunacy has come to my front door and invaded my home.

I live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and because of our small population we have to all get along and co-operate or our community falls apart. Newcomers move here because of this special relationship we all have and new residents are immediately welcomed and made to feel they are an important addition to the community. Before covid forced us into lockdown we had a man from the city come down here doing odd jobs for people. He seemed nice and plenty of people hired him to do small jobs so he got to meet most people in the village. He loved it here so much he was arranging to move here when covid hit so he went back to the city with plans to move here before September. Everything was fine and dandy until I found out through a city friend that this guy is a cross-dresser but has now decided he is transgender and has been taking hormones and arranging 'gender affirming care' while in lockdown. He expects our small rural village to accept this new version of him and use female pronouns and treat him as a woman in every way without anyone objecting.

I am the only person in the community who has even heard of the term 'transgender' so I'm actually expecting most people to treat his fetish as they would treat someone with a quirky new religion. I don't know how individual villagers will react to his man now asking to be called 'she' but I do know this man in a dress will tear our community apart because anyone who is not onboard with his delusion (so far only me because I can't speak for anyone else) may be ostracised for dissenting. How can we welcome someone in and then turn around and disapprove of his lifestyle? People in our lovely village will have to pick a side and I have this terrible feeling I will be the only person refusing to validate his new identity.

He is a lovely man and I really like him. He is supposed to be doing some work for me when he moves here but I think the shit will hit the fan regarding his fetish before he starts. His selfishness at not thinking about how his autogynephillia may divide our village just makes me so angry. I have been sworn to secrecy by my informant so I can't even talk to anyone about this, not even my husband.

The man is in his 60's, bisexual, divorced, and has children and grandchildren. He only decided he is trans this year when he had nothing better to do in lockdown than concentrate of his sexual fetish via the internet. Christ only knows what other paraphillias he may have.

[–]malleus_maleficarum 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Please please provide updates on this. Or a blog link. Or a book if you write one. Seeing this start-to-finish in a fairly contained setting is pretty rare and I would truly love to hear about it as it unfolds.

[–]itsnotaboutewe 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

I will update with news as it happens. I am trying to figure out what explanation I am going to give to our community elders as to why I am not going to play the trans game. I usually tell people that cross-dressing is a sexual fetish and transgenderism linked to a fetish is like public masturbation, so doing pronouns and treating a man with a fetish as a woman is like me stroking his penis in public and him getting his rocks off every time someone validates him. I don't feel comfortable talking to elderly community leaders about how a man is manipulating them for sexual purposes. Most of them wouldn't understand what I am on about anyway.

[–]yishengqingwa666 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

[–]itsnotaboutewe 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for that. I saved it to be able to show any villager who wants to discuss it with me. The man is back here now and I thought that my friend in the city must have told him that I would not validate his new identity because the guy twice ignored me and he refused to even look at me. Other people noticed it and one person quietly asked him if he had a problem with me. He replied that he knew me from somewhere, although he couldn't recall where or when he knew me, but he knew his experience with me was very negative. He was fine with me before this so he must have more mental problems than just autogynephilia.

[–]malleus_maleficarum 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I look forward to it. Also this is a fantastic description of why playing the validation game is not on the table for so many people.

I don't feel comfortable talking to elderly community leaders about how a man is manipulating them for sexual purposes. Most of them wouldn't understand what I am on about anyway.

It often seems to me that the generational gap is insulating trans activism from full visibility. I was trying to explain the related problem of doxxing & cancellation (and why I was refusing to give out personal information) to someone in their 60s the other day and ran up against a similar lack of understanding.