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[–]Yellowlamp 45 insightful - 1 fun45 insightful - 0 fun46 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

My Peak Trans story is similar to other people who peaked after JKR tweets. I've always heard she was a TERF and hated trans people and of course I was dissapointed with her for that. Fuck TERFS, right? When the now famous " I'm sure there used to be a word for those people" tweet appeared on my timeline I rolled my eyes. Then I wanted to read all the non-sense she had to say... and it made sense. All the information I had about how hateful she was came from TRAs and when I actually read and analysed what she wanted to say it clicked with me. Like someone who discovers that one of their friends is actually a bad person, I started to see red flags in the past that I was trying to ignore and the dissonance in my mind dissapeard.

  • My "truth": "Kids should be allowed to transition if they say they want to be the opposite gender". Dissonance: The fact that when I was 5, if someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would reply "a boy". I believed that for a while, but I grew out of that. What if my parents decided that I was trans because of that?

  • My "truth": "If a lesbian only wants to have sex with vaginas she's a transphobe". Dissonance: I am a lesbian. I don't like penis. The only way to be able reject penis in the TRA world I was living in was saying you have a trauma (eg being raped). So I pretended I had a trauma (without details, just said I had a past trauma with penises so that's why I wouldn't be comfortable with having sex with it) to be able to be left alone about this issue. Then I realised I don't have any trauma, I just DON'T LIKE PENISES. What if I had to justify I don't like men with a trauma? I'm just not into them and that doesn't make a androphobe.

  • My "truth": as long as you feel like a woman, you are a woman. Dissonance: But as biologist, I know sex and gender identity are completely different. That "if you are a trans woman then your body is a females body" thing didn't make sense. You can change, defy, deny or ignore gender, but you can't change sex. I thought that was obvious, but some TRA are sending people to learn basic biology. And here I am, with a degree in biology and a career in a medical field not able to speak because I can be cancelled for that. Also, the fact that a trans woman has been socialized as a male so they will never understand what it is being born and educated a woman. Like that lady who pretended to be black and was rejected by the black community. I hundred per cent agreed with the black community on that matter but then somehow I felt that the same argument for trans people would made me a transphobe so I had to hide it deep down in my brain.

  • My "truth": saying this or this is transphobe. Dissonance: I have to be really careful with what I say now. If you accidentally say something that is considered transphobe, instead of being corrected, they bully you and even send you death threats. I still believe in treating people with the pronouns they prefer, but having to be careful with language ALL THE TIME or otherwise you risk everything is exhausting.

  • My "truth": trans women should compete in women sports. Dissonance: I agree with this if is recreational, I play a team sport where we have a trans woman and a nonbinary person (born male) and I couldn't give a fuck cause where just having fun. But in professional sports, especially those where going through male puberty changes the body permanently, it's not fair. I don't belive that hundreds of men will transition to win in women competitions, but there are enough trans women in sports to make this a concern.

This is too long so I'll stop here, but I feel FREE now. Not having to constantly fight with what I'm supposed to believe and what I actually believe is liberating. My friends are all in the LGBT community or allies so right now I can't "come out" as GC, but I hope there will be a day where this doesn't make you lose your friends and maybe your job.

[–]LucyPevensy 5 insightful - 5 fun5 insightful - 4 fun6 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

Ehm, you sound like the the real deal; biologist, sporty, eloquent and a lesbian. Are you single? XD (sorry this is a bad joke I am aware!)

[–]Yellowlamp 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sorry, I didn't see this earlier; I'm struggling with figuring out how saidit works lol I'm happily married :) But I appreciate the eloquent bit because English is not my first language and I always find it difficult to express myself in this language and make sense.

[–]venecia 38 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 0 fun39 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Like that lady who pretended to be black and was rejected by the black community. I hundred per cent agreed with the black community on that matter but then somehow I felt that the same argument for trans people would made me a transphobe so I had to hide it deep down in my brain.

Why is this somehow not an acceptable counter-argument? Literally how is it not okay for a white lady (oppressor) to ''identify'' as Black and change her body to reflect that, but it's stunning and brave for a man (oppressor) to identify as a woman and discard all of his privilege the instant he says ''I'm a woman''?

Has anyone tried bringing this up? What do they typically say? Getting mainstream feminists to realize that transwomen still have enormous male privilege - yes, even if they never wanted it, directly benefitted in their own view, or ''asked for it''. White people don't get to opt out on those grounds, do they? - is the only way to stop this madness.

[–]femuhnist 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's because they don't see "women" as an oppressed class, especially not on the level of race. Or, even if we are, "cis women" are nowhere near as oppressed as "trans women" and in fact, as "cis," we're the oppressors.

[–]CaliforniGinger 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the past some of our black GC members asked us not to use that argument - though you're right about how similar it is - so I don't use it myself. However I've been seeing a bunch of black women use it on twitter :)

[–]wooger 26 insightful - 1 fun26 insightful - 0 fun27 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Almost like a man wearing a dress and acting girly is exactly equivalent to wearing blackface isn’t it?