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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I miss a lot of the reddit subs I'd frequent... I was in a lot of other things aside from the subs that were banned. However, my gut told me I needed to deactivate my account after so many red flags were waiving. For at least two years, I'd consistently report flagrant neo-nazi subs, posters, and racists subs and posters. Needless to say, reddit didn't seem to give a flying shit. The only successful take down I made recently was a dude who had a photo of Taylor Swift with a swastika on her head as his profile. He was harassing women, telling them it was their duty to give birth incessantly, making weird racist comments. Must have reported him three times. They finally took him down when I pointed out the swastika. Obviously, rapey posters were never banned. Moderators on numerous subs would never stick up for posters who were obviously women. Mainstream relationship, political, career and financial subs are flooded with blatant misogynists. I saw a single mother get ripped to shreds on poverty finance, and the moderator banned ME for sticking up for her!
Some women-centered subs had right wing women moderators who'd ban any woman who made any statement questioning men's behavior. For example, I was on and contributed to a sub dedicated to women who have or had porn addicted partners. The mod eventually banned me and a few other posters for making valid points in regards to feminism, men, and pornography. Mind you that myself and these other banned posters were upvoted like crazy by the readers. Tuned out the mod was a paid therapist for "sex addictions". She didn't want to hurt her bottom line. After we were banned, one of my fellow redditors was permanently axed from reddit because this mod and her fellow mods kept harassing us and following us from sub to sub. By the time we went private, we had more than half the number of her subscribers in the span of only six months. Plenty of women who've dealt with sex addicts need to get their angst out without being accused of "misandry". We provided that... however, since we were aligned with GC, one of the mods decided we needed to go private. That was the beginning of the end for real for me. What's the use of having a sub on reddit if you're forced to go private to avoid harassment and brigading? Then once I realized "pussy pass denied" remained up when "ban femalehate subs" was banned, I impulse-nuked my account. Screw reddit. There were so many other red flags, I just can't justify remaining on their platform, even if I find the other subs useful and/or entertaining. It's obvious they are following those accounts which were tied to GC and related subs with Reddit's approval.. so even if you remain on there, you're being watched. I don't think I'd want to deal with that stress day in and day out.