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[–]Adele 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good points, all. Some observations I can make about the most vocal liberal feminists I know are:

  1. They don't read feminist texts or theory, and get all of their information from social media. They confidently say things like "second wave feminists weren't intersectional", but they say this because they think Germaine Greer is a TERF, not because they know or care about black feminists feeling alienated during women's liberation.
  2. Echoing your point, they actually don't treat the women in their lives very well. They are so focused on sloganeering and looking pure that they don't live feminist values.
  3. They think they're brave feminist warriors, but they subscribe to the most male centered/male pleasuring views about porn and "sex work".