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[–]PassionateIntensity 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Point out they (to the libfems) had to resort to censorship because they couldn't rationally argue their points. Then engage them in discussion and watch them shut down. Maybe the lightbulb will turn on for a few of them.

[–]Complicated-Spirit 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

All their arguments revolve around:

“It’s science” (but without ever backing it up, like an anti-vaxxer. Or with some “testimonial” that consists of a YouTube video, or selective, poorly-performed studies sponsored by the gender clinics themselves. anti-vaxxers.)

“It’s not your life! Just let people do what they want! It doesn’t affect you!” (So it doesn’t affect me when I have to share my private changing areas and restrooms with a person of the opposite sex on the sole basis of that person making a claim that they “feel like” they’re my sex - a claim which I am not under any circumstances allowed to question, it doesn’t affect me when someone offers a plethora of gender labels to me - “boifemme? Gender-fluid? Bi-gender? Non-binary?” - because I loathe wearing skirts and heels and know how to service a washing machine, and it doesn’t affect anyone, really, when children are told that they need life-altering surgery and hormones because one is a boy who plays with dolls and another is a girl who doesn’t?)

“You’re just closed-minded!” (Am I? Really? Because my POV is that men can’t be women and vice-versa, but that men can wear dresses and bake cookies and women can shave their heads and lead armies, and it doesn’t mean that “deep down, they must be the opposite sex, because there’s no way a man or a woman would break out of their gender role mold”. But I’m the anti-progressive one. Right. - Oooooooh, but you’re trying to guilt-trip me into dating people I have no interest in, saying that I’m “closed-minded” because I’m a “genital fetishist”. Again, I thought this didn’t affect me? But maybe the whole idea that women should be able to say no goes out the window when we’re talking about trans people demanding dates and sex, in which case we should offer up ourselves freely. Gotcha.)

And, of course, the ones we all got regularly in our inbox over at GC, “DIE TERF CHOKE GET RAPED GKY”. These poor, oppressed people.