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[–]blahblahgcer[S] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

So I got noticed on twitter?? Omg. Anyways, answering some things from there because I barely use twitter and would be too scared to connect my real life self with this:

  • I will not share my name or my location for privacy concerns. I'm honestly scared that people I know will recognize me from this post. Along with this, the autism community is very pro-trans and I am very involved with them.

  • I don't know what I could give as proof for being previously trans? I think all the proof I actually have other than people who actually know me is a binder. Most of my talking in the trans communities were in various Discord servers, and I've left most of them now.

  • Where were people getting hormones so fast? I think a lot of people were going to clinics where they were from because it's at college and everyone lives in various places. The only place I can name definitively is Planned Parenthood. I was actually told by a lot of the trans community to go there for some sort of hormone. Some androgyny hormone that's meant for breast cancer. It started with an a. Don't remember what.

  • I was not forced to be trans, that is true. However, I was heavily influenced and at a very fragile time in my life (like, got involuntarily put in a psych hospital for 8 days during the time period I was still questioning fragile). When I first thought I was nonbinary, I literally cried for like three days because I was so upset, but I was just told that I was just feeling internalized transphobia and they had all gone through similar things. Every time I tried to justify things (for reasons that are most definitely the actual cause of my dysphoria), I was told that if I'm questioning it so much, I must be trans.

I'm sorry I can't give more proof. I really wish I could. I heard our queen J.K. Rowling liked the Tweet made about my post, so maybe I'll try sending her a DM on Twitter? I literally never use Twitter so we'll see.

I can't believe this blew up so much <3 thank you so much everyone for your super kind words and all. It really means so much to me. If anyone has any questions about my experience or wants me to elaborate on things, I'll try to, but I'm still trying to keep my identity private as much as I can. <3