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[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

yeah there was something sketchy going on with those mods imo.

also they're not "TERF"s. They're not trans exclusionary anymore than they're "sex worker" exclusionary. They just have an opinion that those things are very bad, that's it, they don't want to hurt the people. "TERF" was an attempt to take "radical feminism" away from women. "TERF" implies that there's some "radical feminism" that's not "trans exclusionary" that's for both men ("trans women") and women. And the reason for "exclusion" is not because the excluded people are male and it's a movement to help women, but because they're "trans".

"TERF" is the equivalent of "far right" -- calling actual nationalists that aren't just some sort of weird ancestry-doesn't-matter-just-values civic nationalists "far right".