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[–]adungitit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

most desist during puberty if they go through it naturally and aren’t affirmed.

I honestly wish there was a better way to make gender nonconformity feel normal than justifying it with "Yes, you're actually the opposite sex and we gotta get you medication and amputations asap for your disease of having a 100% normal and healthy body", or telling the kid that they should just do whatever they want, completely ignoring the patriarchal pressures molding and pressuring them in the process. GC should put more effort into discussing what healthy, widespread and normalised gender nonconformity would look like, instead of treating it as something only gay people would want to engage in.

It sucks that gender nonconformity isn't the norm, and waving off those feelings of alienation and hurt caused by the toxic gender roles as just a part of growing up, or, even worse, something to grow out of once you start presenting "normally", isn't really an adequate alternative.