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[–]BiologyIsReal 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Further, some gay men who've obtained babies by exploiting women through coercive womb rental, aka "surrogacy," are now claiming that promoting the breastfeeding of infants through such slogans as "breast is best" & campaigns such as International Breastfeeding Week is bigoted, homophobic & unfairly "exclusionary" because gay men who've become fathers through surrogacy don't have the option of feeding their children in this way.

First time I heard of this nonsense. Gay men can be as entintled as any other men, but of course pointing this out is "homophobic".

[–]MarkTwainiac 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Documentary film maker and TV producer Malcolm Clark, a gay man himself, now has several threads on Twitter about how younger gay male celebs like TV personality & influencer Tan France are not just exploiting women through use of surrogacy & their push to loosen laws around surrogacy so that egg donors & surrogate mothers have no rights, but they are now using their public platforms to complain about the idea that "breast is best" for babies.

Tan France, a gay man who with his husband has recently become a dad through rental of a woman's body, has signed on to be a paid promoter of a brand of infant formula. On Instagram this week, Tan complained

It’s National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, where one type of feeding is put on a social pedestal and those who can not or chose not to are made to feel second best for formula feeding.

Talk about appropriating other people's struggles! The people who have been "made to feel second best" by the so-called "nipple Nazis" in the cultural battles over breastfeeding have always been women, specifically mothers of newborns who for various reasons can't or don't breastfeed. La Leche League-type lobbying and campaigning has never caused any fathers or any other men "to feel second best" FFS! The "tit tyrants" who turn up their noses at the idea of not feeding a baby via the breast, or with pumped breast milk via bottle in a pinch, 100% of the time have always aimed their disapproval directly and solely at women. This issue has nothing to do with men like this colonizer Tan guy. The cheek of him grabbily appropriating the struggles of women who are mothers.

Turns out that the brand of formula that this guy is promoting in the US is four times more expensive than the next most-costly brand on the market in the States. Worse, when it was introduced to the US market earlier this year, the FDA found it wasn't safe for babies and issued warnings telling parents who had purchased it to throw it out:

[–]adungitit 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gay men are men. Never forget that.