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[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

why the fuck do they think it’s a good idea to be so staunchly supportive of putting themselves in a situation where they understand that them being trans can turn something that would’ve otherwise been consensual sex into something that borders (or is-imo) rape

My guess? It’s mostly men doing this. Men who knowingly want to rape but fear the risks of being caught too much.

Blur the lines so much that the victim is unsure if she will be attacked for saying a male raped her, unsure of whether or not she was raped just like “what did you drink? What were you wearing?” victim blaming made women unsure if it was their fault because they got drunk or wore a skirt. It blurs the lines between virtue and mindless “be nice” kindergarten politics allowing predators to slip under the radar, or even be obvious and shielded by the trans banner (like than vaid-menon guy who says little girls are kinky

They don’t pushback against pedophiles because they, the pedophiles, are the movement. Too much power was handed over as nicety and muh basic human rights and the predators moved to the top like they often do. The mindless supporters prefer to turn a blind eye and keep playing nice than to admit they supported a dangerous movement.