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[–]loveSloaneDebate King[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That’s actually something I wasn’t even considering. When you’re so quick to make justifications for one, how do you stop it from spiraling into going way too far and justifying the unthinkable? Even making it easier for others to justify things you think are wrong? If trans people become the exception to every rule while they also make it possible to not even have to take a fucking step in the direction of transition to be considered trans, they’re setting us up for trouble. But at least they get validation lol

They get so upset about being associated with pedophilia and sexual assault (understandably so).

So why the fuck do they think it’s a good idea to be so staunchly supportive of putting themselves in a situation where they understand that them being trans can turn something that would’ve otherwise been consensual sex into something that borders (or is-imo) rape. Maybe it’s rude to say, but frankly it’s just fucking stupid to openly be pro “stealthing”. It makes everyone who isn’t a part of their community look at trans people sideways. Even people who otherwise don’t care think not disclosing is fucked up. It’s like they want to make things worse for themselves so they can continue to be the victim. But it can’t be just that because apparently there really are many TW just casually raping people everyday. So it’s not just an argument- it’s a mentality. And it’s a mentality that is encouraged and accepted among their community.

Fucking awful to think about.

And the fact that the lgb community have nothing to do with any of this and have to be dragged into it just adds an extra layer of bullshit

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

why the fuck do they think it’s a good idea to be so staunchly supportive of putting themselves in a situation where they understand that them being trans can turn something that would’ve otherwise been consensual sex into something that borders (or is-imo) rape

My guess? It’s mostly men doing this. Men who knowingly want to rape but fear the risks of being caught too much.

Blur the lines so much that the victim is unsure if she will be attacked for saying a male raped her, unsure of whether or not she was raped just like “what did you drink? What were you wearing?” victim blaming made women unsure if it was their fault because they got drunk or wore a skirt. It blurs the lines between virtue and mindless “be nice” kindergarten politics allowing predators to slip under the radar, or even be obvious and shielded by the trans banner (like than vaid-menon guy who says little girls are kinky

They don’t pushback against pedophiles because they, the pedophiles, are the movement. Too much power was handed over as nicety and muh basic human rights and the predators moved to the top like they often do. The mindless supporters prefer to turn a blind eye and keep playing nice than to admit they supported a dangerous movement.