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[–]BiologyIsReal 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

  1. I don’t use bathroom that match my “gender”, I use bathrooms that match my SEX. And in some places males can get away with using women’s bathrooms by claiming to be women. In some parts of the world women don’t have access to single-sex bathrooms and they suffer from it. Not understanding the importance of sex-segregated bathrooms for women IS a sign of privilege.

  2. Lies, I’ve been questioned for not being “feminine” enough despite that I’m not that “masculine”. Women are also judged by their appearance all the dam time.

  3. That is because people can tell someone else’s sex. But, if I made up a ridiculous name for me, people surely will ask me what my real name is.

  4. More lies. People may discriminate women for not being “feminine” enough, or just for being women, really. Employers also may discriminate women for the possibility of getting pregnant.

  5. False. Your sex is very important when pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship. For example, as a straight woman, I’m not interested in women that way. Likewise, gay men also are not interested in me.

  6. “Gender identity” has no place in the emergency room. What matters is your sex. Treating trans identified people according to their “gender identity” may get them killed. Is that what they want?

  7. It’s the only medical condition where self-diagnosis and self-medicalization is encouraged. Trans activists are also the ones deciding what (and what not) is researched in this area.

  8. Well, people may speculate about a possible trauma or abuse based in many things, but it’s true that people don’t usually think a lack of cross-sex identification is the result of abuse or trauma.

  9. Some males have been sent to women’s prisons by claiming to be women in certain countries. And that have no ended up well for the female inmates, i.e. rape. Have you ever heard about “Karen White”?

  10. Really? Because I could have sworn there was a lack of role models for women in certain areas…

  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hollywood depicting women well? Please tell me you’re joking.

  12. Having legal documents that state false information about you is not a right, sorry. Lying about your identity may get anyone in trouble with the police. Whether the police may abuse their power is a separate issue, but not exclusive of trans identified people.

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 2 insightful - 8 fun2 insightful - 7 fun3 insightful - 8 fun -  (4 children)

  1. There have been cases where trans women were beaten for using women's bathrooms. I'm female and I don't use restrooms or locker rooms based on my sex.

  2. This is something trans (and gender non-conforming) people experience more often.

  3. If someone tells you "X is my name" and you otherwise have no reason to trust them, then you shouldn't question them because their name doesn't match their gender presentation, unless you have an actual reason for asking someone their birth name.

  4. Nobody is saying women aren't discriminated for being female. People have a variety of marginalized identities and each identity has a unique experience. I'm disabled and I went through things able-bodied people will never go through.

  5. I am a straight woman. I am attracted to men, which includes cis men and passing trans men. I am not attracted to cis women and passing trans women. I just don't think if I dated a passing trans man, it is a lesbian relationship. We wouldn't go through the same things lesbian couples go through.

  6. I think ER staff should respect people's pronouns if the patient specifies it, but yes people should be treated in accordance to their assigned sex at birth. Plus, sometimes doctors may just dismiss the condition as a result of taking hormones instead of taking the time to see what the real issue is.

  7. I don't have an issue with self-diagnosis. What I do think is we need to do more to ensure people requesting surgeries will not regret it later. Most people do not regret it, but some do. I have no issues with exploratory therapy to help people explore their gender identity and figure out if they really are trans or not.

  8. People speculate being gay is a result of abuse or trauma. Is that OK?

  9. Women can rape other women too. In any case, a rapist should be highly guarded and supervised, just like any other dangerous inmate.

  10. Growing up I had women role models, Miley Cyrus, Miranda Cosgrove, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, etc. The thing is all of these role models were able-bodied. I'm disabled and we never had an openly disabled role model.

  11. There are issues with how women are depicted. Many movies fail the Bechdel test. Though cis women are better represented than trans people (both women and men).

  12. This specific form of police abuse only happens to trans people. Trystan Cotten, a black trans man, did an ethnographic study of trans men and found that 96 percent of African American and Latino men want to have surgery, while only 45 percent of white respondents do. That’s because a trans history can exacerbate racial profiling. When they pat you down, if you don’t have a penis it’s going to be obvious (or if you’re a trans woman and you have a penis, that becomes obvious).

[–]BiologyIsReal 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

1. Please provide proof.

2. Most people fall to live up 100% to the sex roles and stereotypes of their culture.

3. A male using a female name is the reason why people know that is not his real name.

4. Yes, TRA says this bullshit all the time. They say women are discriminated not for our sex, but for feminity and that we're privilieged for being born female. How do you explain things like sex selective abortion, FGM or menstrual huts then? Women are rutinely disbelieved when talking about their discrimination, yet "trans women" are automatically believed about whatever they say. BTW, in my country, Argentina, trans people got self-ID and free "gender affirming treatment" passed in law 8 years before abortion was legalized. What is more, the gender identity law got more support from the lawmakers. "Cis" privilege, my a**.

5. It's easy to talk about hypotheticals. How many "trans men" has you actually dated? Do you even know how "neopenises" actually look like? Can you affirm they are indistiguishable from actual penises?

6. ER staff have more pressing issues than worrying about a patient's pronouns, who may not be even concious...

7. Do you think self-diagnosis are a good idea for other medical conditions, too?

9. Yes, they can. However, most rapists are men. And trans identified males (aka "trans women") retain male patterns of criminality.

12. This sounds like the problem was their race...

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 2 insightful - 8 fun2 insightful - 7 fun3 insightful - 8 fun -  (2 children)

  1. Neulisa Luciano Ruiz was killed after using the women's restroom.

Lauren Jackson suffered a broken jaw and fractured skull after being beaten by a man for using the women's bathroom

Jazmina Saavedra, who's running for US Congress in California's 44th District, filmed herself yelling at a transgender woman for using the bathroom at Denny's

  1. Yes, but people who significantly deviate from gender norms are more likely to experience discrimination for being GNC.

  2. Um, no. Trans women aren't males, and they may have legally changed their names. Do you pressure cis women to tell you what their maiden name is?

  3. We are saying your are privileged for being cis, not for being female. Cis men also have cis privilege. Trans women are not automatically believed about whatever they say.

  4. I've dated a post op transman in college.

  5. Health care workers should respect a conscious patient's pronouns and provide gender affirming care.

  6. I myself have got help for a few medical conditions as a result of self-diagnosis. But transgenderism is not a medical condition.

  7. This is why we isolate actual rapists.

  8. It's race and gender intersecting.

[–]BiologyIsReal 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

  1. If women's and men's bathrooms are so dangerous, maybe it's time to advocate for third spaces...

  2. True, the more you deviate from social norms, the more likely you will be discriminated. However, you don't need to identify as trans to be GNC, which was my point. As I said I've been questioned for not being feminine enough and I'm not that GNC. Saying that women aren't judged for their appearance and how they adhere to sex roles is just untrue.

  3. That is not how surnames work in Spanish. Married women may be refered by their husband surname, but they do keep their surname too. I don't know if this is a good analogy, anyway. At least I don't know why would a woman find offensive being asked her maiden name, but that may be because I find the costume of changing last names odd.

  4. "Cis" privilege is nonsense. If you think there is no difference between "trans women" and women, you're effectively saying women are not oppressed because of our sex, i.e. that we are privileged for the fact of being born female. So tell me, are things like menstrual huts, sex selelective abortions and female genital mutilation a sign of "cis" privilege? Why do you think a woman may be denied an abortion? Because of her feminity (or lack of it)? Really? If a man tried to rape me, whould you think he would care how I identify as? How do you explain "trans women", and not "trans men" are the ones leading the trans movement? How do you explain that "trans men" mainly make the news by getting pregnant? And what can you tell me about what I said about my country? Abortion was legalized after self-ID, is that "cis" privilege, too? What do you think of this case that happened here before the legalization? A 11 years old girl from the north of the country was raped and got pregnant. The Church and local authorities delayed the possibility of an abortion and finally forced her to give birth by C-section. Mind you, this was in spite the abortion should have been legally allowed on the basis that the pregnacy both (a) endagered the girl's health/life, and (b) was the result of a rape. Is this a sign of "cis" privilege, too? Do you think this girl could have avoid this nightmare if she have identified as "trans boy"? Do you think a "trans girl" could have gone through the same?

  5. And how did it go if I can ask?

  6. Should an underweight anorexic patient be told they're in fact obese and given a liposuction, too?

  7. If it is not a medical condition, why must "gender affirming treatment" be covered up by the public and private health systems? Why are such "treatments" described as "life-saving"? Why do TRA say that not providing such "treatments" leads to suicide? You cannot have it both ways.

  8. Supposing they are convicted at all...

[–][deleted] 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We are saying your are privileged for being cis

We are not cis, therefore you are misrepresenting and mischaracterizing us.