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[–]Greensquidsphone 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (41 children)

I mean... Im not really a part of any so... No? I know a twitter user who sells diy meds who has had her site taken down on more than one occasion and at least one of them was radfems, I guess that counts?

Guess that saves me the trouble of remembering to deal with my own after work though lol

after being tired of being threatened themselves

So it's the victims fault then, got it. Jesus Christ you guys can do no wrong I swear. I threatened no one. Still got doxxed and threatened. Fuck off with that shit.

I'll report it for any good that'll do with 3 biased mods.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (35 children)

Is it bad to be involved in stopping the illegal sale of scheduled drugs to people who are not prescribed the drug?

Like I’d have been extremely immoral I’d if sold off my grandmothers dilaudid after she died. How are potentially harmful drugs with zero guarantee of purity ok to sell?

[–]Greensquidsphone 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (34 children)

I'd say generally it's bad to deny people medical access but here we are.

Oh, and just for clarification, not illegal, though ddosing someone's website is.

Hi house, you get to see the eclipse earlier? It was too cloudy where I was.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (33 children)

Selling scheduled drugs is illegal lmao.

Yeah it was clear as hell out here, So gorgeous! Shame you had clouds

[–]Greensquidsphone 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (32 children)

Most hormones are billed as supplements, which are legal to import (though not legal to sell from inside the country).

Glad to hear that. My Japan friend had clouds too, world was conspiring against us.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (31 children)

Illegal to sell inside the country. Exactly. They were illegally selling hormones to people with zero prescription.

Would you support someone getting their hands on chemo drugs from some guy who hangs out at the park selling weed to kids? What makes some random on Twitter a safe and medically licensed place to procure drugs?

Aww shame for the friend too. It was really lovely. At least there’s a lot of amazing photos.

[–]Greensquidsphone 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (30 children)

They're... Not in the country, the hormones are legally imported.

And I mean she's probably the safest available option right now as far as I know. She studied pharmacology and biochemistry, and her only competition is shady russian and chinese websites with unlisted suppliers.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (29 children)

Diy isn’t a safe or smart route, period. Trusting strangers selling chemicals outside of their profession is incredibly naïve and the store should absolutely be taken down every time it’s put back up.

So they’re legal despite being sold without a prescription, from people with no license to dispense medicine. Literally a dealer but with shittier morals than people who won’t sell skag to kids or newbies.

[–]Greensquidsphone 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (28 children)

I mean, okay. I'd really rather the safest option we have stay up, it's not like taking it down will suddenly stop DIY medding, it just drives it to sources we can't trust. And again, ddosing is illegal. You seem to have a big problem with the legality of it all, curious to hear your opinion on that.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (27 children)

DDosing isn’t the way to get it removed. Reporting the seller to law enforcement and pharmaceutical regulatory bodies is.
Removing the website does not remove the seller from society. Imprisonment is a better solution.

DIY medicine is the dumbest idea and should not be supported. Medicines are not something uneducated and untrained people with extreme bias about the drugs can use even remotely safely.

If you think teenagers should have unfettered access to this shit you should probably be kept far as away from youth as the morally deficient sellers.

[–]ZveroboyAlinaIs clownfish a clown or a fish? 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I know a twitter user who sells diy meds who has had her site taken down on more than one occasion

That most likely is not very legal (and in some countries completely illegal), so nothing surprising.

So it's the victims fault then, got it.

You are reading the opposite of what I wrote. I said I can understand why those two people can be "not nice", I did not said that I agree with them.

I threatened no one. Still got doxxed and threatened. Fuck off with that shit.

And it is horrible. Many GC are anonymous because of this, as a lot of trans activists are doxxing us and trying to contact our employe and insisting on them firing us, so we never can get new jobs. I know that /u/ColoredTwice was doxxed and almost murdered, but she miarclous survived. It was because she is lesbian and not because she is radfem, if I remember correctly, I can't find that post in her history, seems she deleted it.

I'll report it for any good that'll do with 3 biased mods.

Report what?

[–]Greensquidsphone 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (3 children)

You are reading the opposite of what I wrote.

In response to my saying I've been targeted with harassment by gcers you said

I am pretty sure in rare cases it is possible for some GC to be agressive (like adungitut in this sub or Posie Parker), after being tired of being threatened themselves.

after being tired of being threatened themselves.

Like I can't read that any differently than 'sure that sucks but think about how they feel too'

Many GC are anonymous because of this, as a lot of trans activists are doxxing us...

Yes, yes, I get it, you are much more oppressed.

And for the billionth time today

most likely is not very legal

Quite legal. Ddosing however is not.

[–]ZveroboyAlinaIs clownfish a clown or a fish? 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Like I can't read that any differently than 'sure that sucks but think about how they feel too'

Women are told this all the time. We are not even noticing such answers, huh.

Yes, yes, I get it, you are much more oppressed.

And for the billionth time today

You are ignoring so much and focusing on yourself, while thinking I am somehow undermining your personal struggle. I was speaking about general in most cases, not personal. Only times I was personal, is when I directly named someone or directly appealed to you.

I think we should just stop this branch, as it seems you just get annoyed of being treated like women do, and taking it all too personally. Which was never an intention.

Quite legal.

Not where I live, thought.

Ddosing however is not.


[–]Greensquidsphone 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (1 child)

Women are told this all the time. We are not even noticing such answers, huh.

So maybe realize it's a shitty thing to do and don't do it.

Radfems have doxxed me. They are shit people. Don't defend them, even in 'general'. I wouldn't defend tras doing likewise

[–]ZveroboyAlinaIs clownfish a clown or a fish? 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I haven't said that anything of that is good. Understanding motives does not mean agreeing with them.