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[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers[S] 3 insightful - 7 fun3 insightful - 6 fun4 insightful - 7 fun -  (6 children)

Based on what? If women actually behaved like that we'd be rid of all those men's rights groups ages ago.

Trans people did not "rid" the gender critical groups. We just got them banned from reddit. They created Ovarit, and found new homes on and Saidit. Same for any other hate groups, they will create their own platforms.

Unfortunately only men plan & make targeted attacks on subreddits in large enough groups to get a sub banned.

So you know the sex of all those anonymous internet users?

FYI, sex is only "assigned" when it's ambiguous i.e. never in the cases of transgender people. The terms for the sexes are 'male' & 'female'. You don't ever say "reassigned female after transition", or something equally ridiculous, do you? You don't hesitate to describe an adult human male simply as 'female', if he self-identifies that way.

When you're assigned or reassigned a sex, you have no control over that. When you transition, you have control. No one told you you had dysphoria and to transition. You came to that conclusion yourself.

[–]SnowAssMan 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Same for any other hate groups

The trans movement is all about appropriation & erasure of sex & by extension of women & homosexuals. GC is just a reaction to that. It counters hate groups like the MRM & the trans MRM. "Misandry" doesn't exist. It's just a silencing tactic against anyone exposing misogyny. Calling feminists man-haters is the oldest anti-feminist trick in the book. Misogynistic males come up with sexist slurs daily. Where are all the slurs GC is coining against men? If there were any, then trans adult human males wouldn't have a mental breakdown every time someone called them men, while hypocritically calling everyone "cis".

When you're assigned or reassigned a sex, you have no control over that

Assigned by Mother Nature then? Well it didn't happen at birth. You can't change sex btw. Just because your preferred sex does not match your sex that doesn't make your sex "assigned", it's just your sex, which is different from being your preferred sex. The terminology "assigned sex at birth" is appropriated from intersex people's experience.

No one told you you had dysphoria and to transition. You came to that conclusion yourself

Social contagion is the reason for all the het girls. It's also a really androcentric view to need to mutilate yourself. It's just not necessary if you're female. People convinced them that changing sex is possible. Parents & society didn't tell their gay kids who developed a cross-gender identification that being gay was possible & okay. Western society is probably responsible for gender dysphoria, which is why cultures outside the West don't experience it, hence why the icd-11 doesn't include it, because it's not universal, just Western.

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers[S] 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (4 children)

The trans movement is all about appropriation & erasure of sex & by extension of women & homosexuals. GC is just a reaction to that. It counters hate groups like the MRM & the trans MRM.

The GC movement is about blaming erasing trans people.

"Misandry" doesn't exist. It's just a silencing tactic against anyone exposing misogyny. Calling feminists man-haters is the oldest anti-feminist trick in the book.

If it weren't for posts like this, we wouldn't be saying feminists are man hating.

Misogynistic males come up with sexist slurs daily. Where are all the slurs GC is coining against men?

GCs on Ovarit and Saidit constantly use slurs against trans people, such as narcissist, delusional, fetishistic, lying little shit, mental case, fujoshi, YAOI, "everyone wants to be oppressed" just to name a few. I didn't make up these slurs. They are from actual GC threads.

If there were any, then trans adult human males wouldn't have a mental breakdown every time someone called them men, while hypocritically calling everyone "cis".

Trans men don't have a breakdown from being called men.

Assigned by Mother Nature then? Well it didn't happen at birth. You can't change sex btw. Just because your preferred sex does not match your sex that doesn't make your sex "assigned", it's just your sex, which is different from being your preferred sex. The terminology "assigned sex at birth" is appropriated from intersex people's experience.

Intersex people did not invent the term "assigned sex at birth".

Social contagion is the reason for all the het girls. It's also a really androcentric view to need to mutilate yourself. It's just not necessary if you're female. People convinced them that changing sex is possible. Parents & society didn't tell their gay kids who developed a cross-gender identification that being gay was possible & okay.

There is a thing called dysphoria and it's not caused by social contagion. I was born female. The thought of me having a penis grosses me out. If I was born male, I would feel great distress and want to transition via hormones and surgery so I wouldn't fee; distress in my body. Most of us TRAs are supportive of LGB communities. From high school I always said "it's OK to be gay" to homophobic classmates, was happy when gay marriage was legalized in my state when I was finishing 9th grade and I still supported the trans community at that time.

Western society is probably responsible for gender dysphoria, which is why cultures outside the West don't experience it, hence why the icd-11 doesn't include it, because it's not universal, just Western.

Please provide me a link to data on trans populations by country. Otherwise, this statement is meaningless.

[–]adungitit 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

If it weren't for posts like this, we wouldn't be saying feminists are man hating.

You mean the post that is accurate, but is "manhating" because it doesn't lie and gaslight that women are the problem and that the matriarchy is a thing? You have been given statistics and just basic fucking observations of the world around you. Your response? Lying through your teeth and ignoring anything that puts a dent into your lying. When you tire of lying, you disappear.

GCs on Ovarit and Saidit constantly use slurs against trans people, such as narcissist, delusional, fetishistic, lying little shit, mental case, fujoshi, YAOI, "everyone wants to be oppressed" just to name a few. I didn't make up these slurs. They are from actual GC threads.

Those are not slurs. You could describe them as insults or stereotypes or just descriptions, but they are not slurs. Slurs are actual words uniquely targeted at a specific group for the purpose of insulting them. Calling fetishists or narcissists what they are is not a "slur". Hell, even calling marginalised groups those words isn't a slur, because a "slur" is a very specific thing, not just any insult.

There is a thing called dysphoria and it's not caused by social contagion. I was born female. The thought of me having a penis grosses me out. If I was born male, I would feel great distress and want to transition via hormones and surgery so I wouldn't fee

Right, you said this before (because of course you did), and were told that this "dysphoria", "hormones" and "surgery" aren't even needed to be trans in any way, and that claiming otherwise makes you transphobic. And, of course, you conveniently disappeared, but knowing you're wrong didn't stop you from parroting the exact same thing here, and it won't stop you from parroting it elsewhere.

In every thread, you are proven wrong, you always fail to address anything that was said, you constantly lie through your teeth even when faced with statistics, only to disappear and reappear elsewhere and parrot the exact same lying. Even with this very limited engagement, when the reality of female oppression becomes impossible even for you to ignore, you switch to claiming you can't be a misogynist because of these specific instances where you've oh-so-bravely virtue-signalled for equal rights of various disenfranchised groups, waiting for an applause. None of this disproves your misogyny when you consistently lie, gaslight and espouse misogynistic views and male myths that are directly harmful to women. But the fact that QT "feminists" are so consistently misogynistic for the sake of male approval does prove a good point in regards to how self-hating a woman has to be in order for QT to make sense.

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers[S] 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (2 children)

You mean the post that is accurate, but is "manhating" because it doesn't lie and gaslight that women are the problem and that the matriarchy is a thing?

Men are less likely to be taken seriously when they are abused. Trystan Cotton is a black trans man and a professor of gender studies at California State University Stanislaus. Pre-transition he worked at another university and was harassed by males. The university reacted immediately, even sending a police escort with him to and from campus. After transition he worked at this university and was harassed at this university by a female student he was mentoring, and his adviser and the dean — both women — laughed it off. Why the difference in responses? Is it because he's a big scary black man who can't be abused by women?

Yet GCs say women don't abuse men. Here is a comment from the old GC sub documented on r/gendercynical.

Get it through your heads. Women. Don't. Abuse. Men. PERIOD. Women don't have physical power over men. Women are not threatening to men. Women are not a danger to men. Women do not have power over men or advantages over men.

That comment was upvoted by many GCs. The person who wrote the next comment was downvoted and their comment was removed by the mods.

This is bullshit. How fucking dare you. Women have abused men. No where near the numbers that MRAs claim, that is true. But my mother tried to kill my father and her children because she didn't want us anymore. I have friends who had abusive mothers, who were also abusive to their husbands. And no, our fathers were not abusive. Just because they couldn't match men in physical strength didn't mean that they couldn't cause hurt.

Here is a thread on Ovarit titled "Abuse is not "just female related" - it happens vice verse all the time, even if it's not that visual but it hurts even more." Sure, buddy, whatever you say.. They linked to a reddit post where a man says there should be more films and shows about women abusing men. Ovarit mocked the OP, even saying "men actually have the expectation of being treated well" when that's not always the case, like in Trystan Cotton's case.

Here is an article on Feminist Current titled This thing about male victims on Feminist Current making up false statistics on women abusing men.

To be clear, not all GCs think this way, but from what they write online I get the impression that the majority of them think this way.

[–]adungitit 5 insightful - 6 fun5 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 6 fun -  (1 child)

Why the difference in responses?

Because women do not abuse men like vice versa, and no amount of your brainless mantra parroting can change that. Men simply do not live in fear of women harming them. Now, are you going to lie through your teeth some more that they do or are you going to conveniently ignore this as usual when you get caught in your lie?

The university reacted immediately, even sending a police escort with him to and from campus. After transition he worked at this university and was harassed at this university by a female student he was mentoring

jfc this again...

First, LOL at "abuse of men" being targeted towards a woman.

Second, even if what you're saying were true, it's telling that you could only think of one very specific example. No statistics or anything. One event. Believe me, I can give you a helluva lot more than a few names, there are whole masses of women who have suffered from male harassment literally for centuries, to the point that they couldn't even leave their house unescorted (and still can't in many places), to the point where we literally have shelters for them because their lives are in danger, to the point no-one acts shocked when they read of yet another woman beaten and murdered by their psycho husband. I could find you instances of little children killing their own parents. Do you think that would suddenly necessitate children's rights groups switching their focus on parents being in danger of their little children, instead of vice versa?

Third, women do not present a physical threat to the man in most cases. This is due to simple physical differences in strength between the sexes. Now, women might present a threat to men with the help of a weapon (but even that is already an extreme requirement - it's much harder to subjugate someone when you have to hold a weapon and ensure you can use it at all times, vs when you can do it through sheer strength alone), but, as it turns out, women simply do not want to do this. Women do not harbour sadistic, fetishistic, violent ideas about men that tie into widespread supremacist ideas on their own gender. They simply don't. No, you lying through your teeth about this isn't going to change reality. These concepts (male strength compared to women, male supremacy being tied to misogyny and male violence, male propensity to escalate to alarming and dangerous behaviour) have been well established and are also one of those things obvious just from using your fucking eyes.

You have been given statistics before in regards to women being murdered by their intimate partners. The numbers in reverse are in single digits (and also, most of these women are actually abused by said murder victims, and I'm talking actual abuse, not just flinging insults). The chances of a woman escalating and presenting any physical danger to the man are positively miniscule. That is why you do not need a police escort from a woman, while with men, the chances of the encounter turning dangerous skyrocket because of how much damage they're capable of and willing/feel entitled to do. Women are not even in the same ballpark, which is why no-one fears female violence. Are you going to lie through your teeth about this fact, ignore it, or are you going to actually address it for a change?

Fourth, women are constantly portrayed as "crazy bitches" if they don't keep quiet and bend over backwards to accommodate others to their own detriment. Hence why feminists (mostly female) bend over backwards to accommodate men, while pretty much every male-dominated community does nothing but complain about women doing...anything, really. Hence also the double standard of trans activists getting so furious at specifically feminist women and calling for their rape and murder (you can see the same pattern with the "Karen" meme, too), while the men who actually throw slurs, beat and kill trans people get grouped in with vague "transphobes". The progressive groups know that women do not pose a threat to them and that men pose a threat to women, which is why they try to use fear and violence (sexual or otherwise) to silence them. This is also why statistics on domestic violence that claim abuse goes both ways actually rely on "mutual abuse" and "verbal abuse", but intentionally portray it in a way that will make it seem like we have a pandemic of battered men, which is quite simply a lie. So excuse me if I find it hard to swallow that the abuse the person in question received was in the same ballpark from male and female perpetuators. Also, you seem to have slipped out that the abuse they received was from a single woman while it was from multiple men - and I legit wonder, given the fact that it's a professor of gender studies, if said "woman" was even female, given that lying about a person's sex in these groups has become so commonplace.

"Abuse is not "just female related" - it happens vice verse all the time, even if it's not that visual but it hurts even more." Sure, buddy, whatever you say.. They linked to a reddit post where a man says there should be more films and shows about women abusing men

lol I love how your own example literally says that the abuse men suffer isn't "visual" i.e. physical and yet, despite this, that it "hurts more" than all the bruised, battered and murdered women who literally need shelters to save themselves from male aggressors. Also, men have vastly different standards for what counts as abuse, to the point that we have enormous male communities claiming they're oppressed because women aren't having sex with them, and who claim they're abused by "nagging wives" because they're expected to wash the dishes once in a while, stop drinking or do something other than playing videogames. But given the amount of gaslighting that liberal feminism engages in, I wouldn't be surprised if being a "nag" or "crazy bitch" was seen as a form of endearment now, or simply something that DoEsN't HaPpeN because it's "just a joke, bruh".

Ovarit mocked the OP, even saying "men actually have the expectation of being treated well" when that's not always the case, like in Trystan Cotton's case.

LMAO "There are no widespread trends or social norms, look at this one example of a single person (who's actually a woman)" Riiight.

Yet GCs say women don't abuse men

Because they don't, for reasons that have been explained to you. You have been given statistics and just basic observations of the world around you. Are you going to respond with something other than lying or ignoring anything that shows you're a liar?

Oh, speaking of:

Right, you said this before (because of course you did), and were told that this "dysphoria", "hormones" and "surgery" aren't even needed to be trans in any way, and that claiming otherwise makes you transphobic. And, of course, you conveniently disappeared, but knowing you're wrong didn't stop you from parroting the exact same thing here, and it won't stop you from parroting it elsewhere.

Any plans to address this?

Here is an article on Feminist Current titled This thing about male victims on Feminist Current making up false statistics on women abusing men.

I don't get it...You post an article with statistics, and claim they're "false" based on...what exactly? Wishful thinking?

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers[S] 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Because women do not abuse men like vice versa, and no amount of your brainless mantra parroting can change that. Men simply do not live in fear of women harming them. Now, are you going to lie through your teeth some more that they do or are you going to conveniently ignore this as usual when you get caught in your lie?

Nearly 3 in 10 women (29%) and 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by a partner and reported it having a related impact on their functioning.

From 2010 to 2012, scholars of domestic violence from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. assembled The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge, a research database covering 1700 peer-reviewed studies, the largest of its kind. Among its findings:

More women (23%) than men (19.3%) have been assaulted at least once in their lifetime.

Rates of female-perpetrated violence are higher than male-perpetrated (28.3% vs. 21.6%).

Male and female IPV are perpetrated from similar motives.,21.6%25).

First, LOL at "abuse of men" being targeted towards a woman.

This was a man being abused. He presented as a man and the university saw him as a man.

Third, women do not present a physical threat to the man in most cases. This is due to simple physical differences in strength between the sexes. Now, women might present a threat to men with the help of a weapon (but even that is already an extreme requirement - it's much harder to subjugate someone when you have to hold a weapon and ensure you can use it at all times, vs when you can do it through sheer strength alone), but, as it turns out, women simply do not want to do this. Women do not harbour sadistic, fetishistic, violent ideas about men that tie into widespread supremacist ideas on their own gender. They simply don't. No, you lying through your teeth about this isn't going to change reality. These concepts (male strength compared to women, male supremacy being tied to misogyny and male violence, male propensity to escalate to alarming and dangerous behaviour) have been well established and are also one of those things obvious just from using your fucking eyes.

But do you understand that even within biological sexes, strength can vary among people? My sister is stronger than some of our male family members.

and I'm talking actual abuse, not just flinging insults).

I'm talking about actual abuse.

Fourth, women are constantly portrayed as "crazy bitches" if they don't keep quiet and bend over backwards to accommodate others to their own detriment. Hence why feminists (mostly female) bend over backwards to accommodate men, while pretty much every male-dominated community does nothing but complain about women doing...anything, really.

I don't bend over backwards to anyone. On this sub, do you see me bending over backwards to others. I have never been called a crazy bitch for that.

Because they don't, for reasons that have been explained to you.

This is exactly why GCs got kicked off of reddit. Before you say "ReDdIt HaTeS wOmEn", I am openly a woman on reddit and moderate a few subs (unrelated to feminism), and I have not been kicked off.