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[–]ColoredTwiceIntersex female, medical malpractice victim, lesbian 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

99.982% to be precise. Total amount of intersex people is around 0.16-0.2% of population and amount of intersex people with ambigious genitals or missmatched chromosomes are just 0.018%. If taking into account only genitals, then around 0.009-0.01%. So in 99.991% cases genitals = sex. And in most of cases just few extra tests needed to determine. It is around 3000-30000 or less people with DSD per country (depending on population of it). There much more transgender people than us.

Almost none of intersex people are trans (same percent as in general population), so I don't understand why we even being mentioned. We are not connected to this issue in any way and our problems are completely different.

We do not want to be called third sex, other or "less female/male". We are the same as everyone else, just with congenital problems with sexual development - like people with 6 fingers, or people with congenital heart disorders, and so on. We are neither lesser, nor "other". Othering hurt us and leads to IGM and mistreatment.