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[–]loveSloaneDebate King 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Topic 3: Thoughts on xenogenders and neopronouns?

I ignore anything after the T. Gender is a social concept and I’m sorry but society has no use for non-binary or ze/zer bs

“Are they real things?”

They’re real people who are either male or female despite whatever gender they claim that has to be announced and then likely explained to most people.

“I guess this goes back to topic 1, where I asked why you think gender identity is not a real thing.”

I can’t take a female claiming to understand being a male or a male claiming to understand being a female seriously. I’m damn sure not gonna buy into the idea that you identify as a non binary asexual pan cat girl who goes by ze/zer/ or she/her seriously lol. I know that’s an extreme example but my point is just that your individual personality is not it’s own gender and this gender identity alphabet soup nonsense is getting ridiculous. All these genders are either just personalities and interests or not fitting the stereotype of your own sex.

“The has been a push for the ideas of xenogenders and neopronouns to be accepted:”

Of course because everyone and everything is valid and brave (and stunning! Unless you prefer handsome!). except reality.

Link 1: debunks nothing. Just whining about gender feels and being inclusive and accepting. To be Frank most people with personal pronouns or neopronouns are exhausting. Not because of the pronoun preference, because of the narcissism and self victimizing that almost always goes along with it.

Link 2: that’s not really a neopronoun, seems more like language changed and the word “heo” evolved to “her”. Even if I don’t have that quite right, it’s still a word meant to describe a female person. It looks like the word just changed over time but was always meant to refer to the same type of person. That’s not a neopronoun. It’s a sex based pronoun.

“They showed us neopronouns are not dumb tumblr inventions, and have existed way before tumblr existed:”

I don’t think theyre dumb because I assume tumblr invented them lol.

“This site says "nonbinary pronouns are way older than you think": “

Eh. The title says that but the article just kind of explains the concept of the word “they” and how it’s used. The thing is, non-binary people made “they” gendered by using it to refer to themselves.

“This site educates people on what neopronouns are”

Contradicts itself through out. How is anything gender neutral if you choose your pronouns based on your gender identity???

“This other site educates people on what xenogenders are”

Kinda sounds like they’re saying xenogenders are basically a small portion of autistic people?

That’s an awful explanation.

“Apart from the cards you can click on to know about various types of xenogenders are, there is emogender, trendergender, bungender, robogender, beegender, etc:”


“what's a xenogender?”

They don’t really explain aside from saying they’re neurodivergent. I haven’t done the research to confirm, but I doubt most people with autism or adhd are xenogender....

“due to this, they also interpret social constructs such as gender differently.”

If only there were people trained to help teach and assist neurodivergent people. If there were, maybe those trained people could help them understand better. It’s odd how neurodivergent people can be taught so much and are often very intelligent, yet nobody is qualified to teach them something like this. /s

This seems kind of like neurodivergent people are being used... I can’t quite articulate why I’m getting this feeling but it’s just... off.

“a neurodivergent person may struggle trying to find a term that fits for their gender so they take something of comfort and make a gender identitiy tied to it! hence a xenogender!”

So this confirms what I suspected. Gender identity is whatever anyone (neurodivergent or not) decides it is. Which means it’s entirely individual. Which means it’s a combination of personality, interests, and possibly mental health concerns/issues of some sort.

Like- unless all trans people are neurodivergent, why is this being talked about? Unless they’re saying being trans is in itself neurodivergent and I just missed that.

“most xenogenders are based on objects such as mindsets, plants, animals and other things people may find comfort in!”

That’s not really how gender works tho

[–]CatbugMods allow rape victim blaming in this sub :) 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Am autistic and can confirm it’s absolutely got nothing to do with my sex other than a reluctance in the psych field to diagnose me because I was female.

Definitely no urge to invent a new gender just because I’m not great at certain things deemed ~for females~

Frankly it’s a little insulting for op to state that being on the spectrum means a woman is likely to require being called ze or xir or your majesty or something stupid like that.

[–]loveSloaneDebate King 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I didn’t know how to word it but I think it’s just another example of tras using another group of people to try to legitimize trans people or invoke sympathy and a sense of obligation to validate.

They obviously do it with women, but they do it with intersex conditions, black people, Holocaust victims, homosexuals, and now people on the spectrum. They know the comparisons will make people think twice about rejecting what they’re saying. Either because most people don’t fully understand the comparison or because when they do somewhat understand, they’re scared of being comparable to racists or homophobes.

I’ve even seen some say that pointing out that male bodies don’t function the same as female bodies or saying you’d never sleep with a “woman” who has a penis is straight up ableism.

I can’t tell if it’s an intentional tactic to pressure people into validating them or if it’s an attempt to diminish the fact that being trans is a lot different from any other marginalized group (like trying to normalize being trans by mixing it in with race and medical conditions etc). The only problem is trans people are the only invasive and sexist marginalized group.

[–]CatbugMods allow rape victim blaming in this sub :) 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are so right.

I remember seeing a lot of stuff from tra about how black women are supposedly less feminine somehow than white and Asian women so that somehow meant men were also women.

I’d hazard a guess most aren’t doing it to be intentionally offensive or manipulative, and are grasping at straws to keep the dream legitimised. Too invested in the identity to think about who you might be hurting. Hell I’d say some of these men are running and clutching at straws so hard is because this is the first time they have ever really wanted something (womanhood however they imagine it) and don’t get it.