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[–]jackrusselterror1 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don’t like any request for things outside my job description where I feel like there’s no way I can opt out without being penalized. I also heavily dislike bringing politics into the workplace. I feel that companies promoting pronoun circles or suggesting adding preferred pronouns on email signatures is blurring the normal boundaries between personal politics and work. I think it’s a huge faux pas in etiquette on the employers part.

I’m very obviously a woman, my pronouns are based on my sex, like the vast majority of the population. I don’t have more in common with a man who identifies as a woman or considers himself to be female-aligned, than a man who uses sex-based pronouns. By using the same pronouns and words, I am signaling, through language, that men who identify as women are women and there’s no difference in our groups, when obviously sex is the big glaring difference.

The biggest issue to me is that this isn’t an individual deciding to announce their personal preferred pronouns- it’s a company strongly suggesting all of its employees do so that makes it strange and off-putting, and honestly, it’s corporate virtue-signaling.