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[–]diapason 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1. What are your thoughts on polyarmorous relationships? [-1]

Not for me but I don't have a problem with it in theory. I think in practice it's likely someone's heart's gonna get broken though and that people who are into it are probably just looking for a socially acceptable way to cheat

  • 1a) What about polygamy? [-1]

Hard no. I've yet to see any polygamy that isn't horribly exploitative to women or teenage girls

  • 1b) Thoughts on threesomes? [-1]

Doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. If others are into it I don't care so long as all parties participating are doing so of their own free will, but I don't want to hear about it lol

2. Do you prefer/lean more towards men over women? [-1]

Nah, I prefer women. It's not an extremely strong preference or anything, but it's a pretty clear one

  • 2a. Are you currently in a relationship with a man? [+0]

3. Are you a decisive person? Do you normally know what you want? [-1]

I wouldn't say I'm an extremely decisive person cause I don't necessarily make decisions easily/quickly, but when I make up my mind I'm sure of it

4. Have you been in a relationship with both sexes--male AND female? [+0]

Never been in a "real" relationship before—I'm pretty young though so that's not exactly unusual for my age

5. Do you like...bisexual puns? [+0]

Meh, I don't really care, not a huge fan but some could be funny I guess

6. You have or do the following - you cuff your jeans, you have a "bisexual bob", you actually like lemon bars, pose in front of the camera with..."finger guns", sit funny in chairs, etc. [-0.5]

No; no; yes but doesn't everyone??; nope that sounds dumb, I do have a funny habit of doing the "V for victory"/peace sign though lol; I kinda do but I doubt that has anything to do with who I'm attracted to?

I've never heard of most of these lmao

7. Are you out of the closet to EVERYONE? [+0]

I'm generally out to friends but not to family, many of my relatives are hostile to gay/bisexual so I don't know if that will change anytime soon

Total: [-5.5]