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[–]Site_rly_sux_rly_sux 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The first time I saw ''ad hominem'' was in Arthur Schopenhauer's ''The Art of Always Being Right'' and I had no idea what it meant except for its obvious Latin origin. I inferred from the description and added context that it meant a personal attack. Well, that's where we're at. Shills can no longer make a cogent argument to defend the political quagmire that besets us so need to resort to dirty tactics in an attempt to defeat by emotions rather than logic or facts. Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.

[–]cunninglingus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's not necessarily where we're at. It's common on social media, but can be ignored or dealth with in other ways. Engage with those who are addressing the topic; it's that simple. And if you remember your Schopenhauer reading, you might recall that he identifies 3 evils (which sadly are common at Saidit):




[–]BobOki 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have been calling out the logical fallacies that the left only knows how to use now, and NOT logic, facts, truth, hypothesis, debate, for a few years now. I have watched the sharp decline in the ability to even SPEAK to people with differing views, much less be able to debate them on ANY level at this point. If you act like are a brainwashed moron and ask one of these clown exactly what or why they think or say what they are mouth vomiting, they have no clue. Ask their opinion and you will get nothing but buzzwords with no definitions, feewings, and word for word talking points. You can even ask them to define what should be the easiest words that are used the most, and they literally cannot.

Don't get me wrong, because the left can no longer even use words, does not mean the right can. I am also watching the sharp decline of the right being able to speak as well, and for this I blame the echo chambers of the left. They do not have to debate that much anymore because there is no debate anymore, just word salad bullshit... so they are also losing their ability to do so. Granted it is MUCH slower than the left was, but it is certainly happening. hell, I find myself using more personal attacks simply because the utter SHIT that comes out of these utter wastes of air are just so ludicrous I find it hard not to attack them on that level. It has been so refreshing actually getting to talk and debate people on this site again, but it saddens me to see these trash Reddit implants busy trying to make the site look bad by their incompetence.