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[–]zyxzevn 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Instead of fighting about this subject, it would be better to create a society where abortion would not be necessary.

In the US it seems to be encouraged to enrage religious people. Just to create more division between the left and right.

But why would I care what other people do with their bodies?
They should have consultation, and if it damages their bodies (or their babies) they should be hindered but not stopped.

How much do these people that care about the unborn, care about bombing people in other countries (like Yemen) or arming ISIS or Saudi Arabia?
Or about people that starve because of Monsanto or Nestle? Or who get born in a drug tortured family?
Usually they do not care. Because each life is full of hazards and we all have a personal path here. Some people go through hell, and others have it far easier. And for many life ends far earlier than we would like, but we can not stop it.

We can't stop people cutting their own dicks off. In similar sense we can not stop women from stopping the pregnancy. The consequences of their choice should be made clear. We can tell them: It can be a stain on your psyche or soul, so be careful. But at the same time, trying to change someone's life's decision can be a stain on our own psyche and soul. We are not here to control other people's decisions.

A lot of mothers stop the pregnancy, because it is not the right time or the right partner. Abusive men or psychological dominant men are very capable of making women pregnant against their will, even if the women say "yes".. But in what I have seen, they never get the chance to say no. Just look at Epstein's Island how common this is. Or look in an average city how difficult it is for a normal girl to find a decent man. And a girl who is not mentally stable or mentally dependent usually attracts the worst men.

Now about "killing" a fetus.
Just as a comparison. At what time is a fetus more conscious than a puppy or a lamb or a calve?
This difference is not scientific but cultural. I think all have a soul. Calves are holy in India. Lambs are eaten. Puppies are eaten in China. Atheists do not care much about life.
Certain Buddhists avoid stepping on a bug.

Humans develop very slowly. And why can we kill one and not the other? People used to kill born babies when they had severe disabilities, but it is still very common to abort pregnancies of disabled babies. And rape-cultures like Saudi Arabia forbid abortions (and being raped).

I do not think we should use humans for consumption or medicine production, but the termination of a pregnancy is something else and is that should be a personal choice.

[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Instead of fighting about this subject, it would be better to create a society where abortion would not be necessary.

This is the only way to make abortion unnecessary. Until then, there will always be cases where abortion is necessary.

[–]Kuasocto 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How much do these people that care about the unborn, care about bombing people in other countries (like Yemen) or arming ISIS or Saudi Arabia? Or about people that starve because of Monsanto or Nestle? Or who get born in a drug tortured family?

What happens in other societies is those societies problem. It perfectly normal to be opposed to some practices in YOUR society.