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[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

don't manage to capture them properly.

Propertly according to whom? This is a meaningless term that purposefully hides the ramifications of your poorly thought out policy.

I think you started off with the conclusion that the shooting was wrong and worked backwards to invent a framework for what an arrest should look like that precludes this shooting being justifiable, and you gave zero thought to how fucked up it would be if your framework was actually used in practice.

First off, you would be encouraging violence against police because anyone who could catch a police officer off guard and land a lucky first shot would essentially be allowed to go free.

This environment would of course make the cops even more aggressive in response. A very bad situation all around.

Second you are creating a justice system based on gorilla troop pecking order rules. The biggest gorilla gets to do whatever the fuck they want because they can beat up anyone who has a problem with it. The second is only accountable to the first and so on. This is not justice. It is not civilized. It does not work like that anywhere in the world.

Third it removes the advantage of intelligence from the equation. Guns are the great equalizer. Why should the weak yet smart not be allowed to utilize technology to be the dominant Male?

Fourth, this essentially eliminates the possibility of women on the force as they would not be able to gently capture any Male while taking a beating from them.

It would in fact force us to select for the biggest, most brutish males to be police officers, which would select for low IQ, aggressive and violent men. How the fuck do you imagine that would go?

Fifth it would require early retirement for cops because everyone gets old and weak. And an old cop would not be able to do the job with your rules in place.