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Harry Potter quiz cancelled at festival hosting a debate on cancel cultureColonization
3 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Fat studies academic Cat Pause dies suddenly
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/fatpeoplehate from
Stupid doctor in small town New Zealand, campaigns to get all medical professionals to always ask everyone who is LGBTIBQQ their preferred pronouns.
4 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Local government criticised for letting women's group speak in NZ, told that "Trans women are a gender minority group, and we as cis women need to embrace that"
3 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/GenderCritical from
Superyacht with connections to Jeffrey Epstein in Auckland
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/pedogate from
Pair who tortured and murdered teenager Dimetrius Pairama lose appeal
1 year ago by divingrightintowork to /s/TheseAreNotOurCrimes from
Bill erasing woman and LGB gains momentum in New Zealand
Daily homophobic TQ propaganda from The non-binary kid who changed the way their school thought about gender
Auckland Transport agency investigating manager's private Facebook post about gay conversion therapy because of alleged transphobiaTargeting / Harassment
Weather: Snow is falling in Northern Southland (at 200m elevation) - 11DEC20
3 years ago by Tom_Bombadil to /s/ClimateSkeptics from
New Zealand government propaganda promoting drag to childrenLGB News