"how do I report these women talking amongst themselves on a different site" by gparmesan in GenderCritical

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It is sad. It's normal for kids to think they've got it all figured out when they're 15. These ones just had the bad luck to latch on to a teenage phase that can have lifelong health effects.

AgainstHateSubs basically admitting they had to get GC banned because it was peaking too many people. by BraveAndStunningTERF in GenderCritical

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the general level of public support for TRA, and underestimated the will of the curious

And, frankly, underestimated the level of support for radical feminist ideas among libfems as long as they're not called radical feminist ideas. An awful lot of women who would swear blind that radfems were horrible mean bitter old fashioned hags will agree with radfem criticisms of surrogacy, prostitution, the unintended (by women) effects of the sex positivity movement, and even the primacy of the nuclear family as long as you don't mention the r-word.

JK Rowling: Hormones are conversion therapy for young gay people by dandeliondynasty in GenderCritical

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Yeah, I'm sure it's partly because I live in a very liberal city (which I generally appreciate) but most of the people I've seen in my area who trans their kids are white liberal upper middle to upper class professionals who are genuinely anxious to do the "right" thing re: social justice. Which, again, I generally appreciate. And if you're a normal parent looking for information about puberty blockers all of the authoritative-sounding advice is "They're safe, they're reversible, they're necessary for the child's mental health." And once you've started down that path it would be devastating to admit that you've done something harmful that your child will have to deal with medically, socially and emotionally for the rest of their life. How do you explain to your 24 year old child that you made the choice to sterilize them at 12 because you thought they would be happier?

Trans homicide epidemic is a false narrative. by koonay in GenderCritical

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Hey, a tip. You probably won't get banned for being a dramatic baby. You probably will get banned if you keep making statements that suggest that you aren't able to usefully contribute because you don't understand basic radical feminist terms or theory.

On AL, nothing to do with being a lesbian, shows pornified and overly sexualised women. Seems Google is advertising to a different demographic than they think they're in. by RedditHatesLesbians in GenderCritical

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12 people posting comments, 9 of whom are openly TIMs. The only three who are even potentially women are the only three saying the ads are gross and creepy.

Oh, and the OP is that crazy guy who looks like a 100% normal middle aged metal fan but posts 8 times a day in lesbian subs. He's weird.

AL in a nutshell.

A daily reminder from Buck Angel: by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

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I think most people on here (and gendercrit people and radfems, three overlapping but distinct groups) agree with this. There are some rare people with a mental problem that expresses itself through serious, life altering distress over their body's sex characteristics. For some of these people surgery and hormone treatments may be their best shot at being able to cope with their mental illness and have a decent quality of life. But no, no one who's paying attention can really believe that all of the Aydens on tumblr or Lilys on reddit are suffering from this rare mental disorder.

Straight men won't sleep with me!! When a straight guy says he is not into me, nor other trans women, I feel butthurt–emotionally and, unfortunately, not physically. by joeytundra in GenderCritical

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I never thought I'd say this, but those straight men need to be a lot meaner.

I do think it's kind of funny how this guy's college buddy and current roommate are both very, very careful to not say "Your dick. I don't want to fuck you because you have a dick. And I'm a straight man. And you have a dick."

“I don’t understand how my attraction works,” he typed, “but I guess there are some characteristics/features I’m generally attracted to.”

He added, “Some of which you don’t have.”

Such as a vagina.

“It’s just not something I can put my finger on...I can list things that come to mind…But that doesn’t mean that’s actually why I wouldn’t hook up with you.”

I don't know what kind of steal the roommate is getting on rent, but it can't be worth this. It just can't.

Alex, Chris, and I make clear the slipperiness of arousal. They can’t really explain why they’re not into me. Even when they grasped for solid answers, their desire vaporized into a diffuse cloud of uncertainty.

It's pretty damn clear that Alex and Chris are both well aware of why they're not into him. They're either being gentle with a mentally ill friend they care about, or trying to not set off a narcissistic nutcase, depending how how generous you want to be.

Sudden rise of trans characters in media? by RedditHatesLesbians in LGBDropTheT

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This is a straight couple with quirky senses of style.

I think that's the point. The shows get the kudos for having "queer representation" with none of the potential whining from conservatives if they were to have an actual gay teen relationship. Win-win.

Being associated with radical feminism is dragging this movement down. by Astrid2448 in LGBDropTheT

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Sure thing. They'd help, but the bitches and dykes are just too mean.

Why I’m a Lesbian (Not Queer) by NutterButterFlutter in GetTheLOut

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I find that "queer" does have a meaning; straight, but wants to be interesting.

Do NOT Panic! by [deleted] in Lesbians

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I was hoping for an explanation of why my post was removed, since I didn't think there was anything wrong or rule-breaking about it.

No one gives a shit about your opinion on what lesbians call ourselves.

TIF whining because gay men behave like gay men by weirdthorn in GenderCritical

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I am frustrated as hell by straight TIFs, because they're- well. Like this. But I do also feel bad for them. TIMs who keep their cocks have some hope of finding men willing to sleep with them, if not date them. "Chicks with dicks" is a fetish for some number of men. It's not a large number, but they're out there. And the only partnered TIFs I know are lesbians who were with their partners when they transitioned. But straight TIFs just flat out don't have a market. Gay men don't want them because they're women. Straight men don't want them because they're masculinized. The extremely tiny share of people I can see maybe getting with them is bi men willing to pretend to see them as Valid Gay Men for the sake of easy sex. But even then, most bi men want standard men or women, not feminized men or masculinized women.

It is sad, because she clearly wants to feel "valid", possibly wants sex, and probably eventually will want a relationship but the farther down the path of transition she goes the harder it's going to be to find any of that.

“They want to teach their daughters body acceptance and self-advocacy? MUST BE A CULT!” by [deleted] in GenderCritical

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Older women also tend to be aware of the preciousness and precariousness of good health, so they're less likely to put their health at risk the way trans people do so willingly and casually.

This is a big one. Children and teenagers, if everything has gone as it should, have no experience of the kind of problems they're setting themselves up for. They're at their peak or near their peak ability to just handle things, physically. They can eat like crap, not exercise, not get enough sleep, drink too much, sunburn and just kind of... be okay, in the short term. "Brittle bones" and "vaginal atrophy" and "hypertension" are just words. They don't have the context or, bluntly, often the cognitive ability to actually understand what they're asking for. They just see the thing they want (being more like what they imagine a man to be) and want it, now. Because they're kids.

It depresses me. I know so many women who only got into mountain biking or thru-hiking or a martial art in their 30s or 40s. They've almost all said that apart from the fun of the thing itself, they like how much it's made them appreciate what their bodies can do, how much happier they are now than in their 20s when they were focused on how their bodies looked. A lot of these kids who are going on "puberty blockers" are simply not going to have that option. Their bones won't be able to take it.

Movie about lesbians and gays working together during the AIDS crisis / ACT UP by Innisfree in LGBDropTheT

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Phrased indelicately, but you do have a point about men being something of a black hole for women's efforts. I have gay male friends who I care for very much, who randomly escaped the death sentence that more than decimated their community, their friends and their lovers. The trauma they suffered as young men watching everyone around them dying is still affects them more than 30 years later. It has shaped their lives and of course I have compassion for that.

...However. It is notable that every group I've ever worked with that provided help to mostly men (Project Open Hand, prison reform and death penalty abolition, some aspects of homeless outreach) has had women heavily involved at every level, sometimes actually being the majority of the volunteers and employees. The reverse has not been true of any of the organizations that provide help to mostly women, all of which were 80-100% female. Rude as it may sound to say bluntly, women's willingness to fight for, protect and take care of men is not reciprocated. It is understandable to think that we should stop carrying men and redirect that labor and money toward women's concerns.

Trans homicide epidemic is a false narrative. by koonay in GenderCritical

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But maybe I just don't understand radical feminism well enough and I am a big baby.

Well, yes. I think I understand how you misunderstood that sentence from a quote in the wikipedia article but I also think you're too upset to take in information about this topic.

Do NOT Panic! by [deleted] in Lesbians

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No, I promise. No one gives a shit. We're lesbians. If you feel the need to make a fool of yourself by using other terms you can make up your own.

A clown world. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

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You don't know what affirmative action is, do you?

A clown world. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

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Yeah, but that would be hard. This just requires removing a screen. Much easier.

Intersectionalism is the worst thing to happen to feminism. by medium_tomato in GenderCritical

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I'm not sure what your point is here

"I don't like the way this idea makes me feel so it's wrong." Just an idiot throwing a tantrum. Ignore it.

Can someone help explain these posts from r/gc? by emissch in GenderCritical

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Many women on GC weren't/aren't radical feminists, just against trans ideology. There tended to be pushback against any posts that were perceived as being too anti-male, and that was one of them. There were some of us supporting a woman's right to refuse to bear males but it was pretty controversial. I don't know if that's because the mods considered it too far or if they realized men would lose their shit at the idea and didn't want to deal with it.

A link between anime and gender dysphoria in males? Written by a male from a GC pov, but I thought I'd share here for a wider perspective. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

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Dude, we all know you're lying or delusional. Or lying and delusional. And if you're just lying I'm a little insulted you think anyone is dumb enough to not notice.

"Women catering to men is so normalized that NOT treating men as a priority in your life is considered an attack on them" by [deleted] in GenderCritical

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If you want to waste your time helping men I really don't care. But no one else is obliged to join you just because you can't emotionally cope with the idea of some women not giving a shit about males.