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[–]Alphix 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's not "science" that isn't "science" anymore. It's the people who are dumbed down into cultish behavior.

Granted, this also works in scientific circles, such as Ancel Keys' HYPOTHESIS that animal fat consumption leads to heart disease, which was and to this day remains purely a hypothesis. He was so vociferous in defending this idea that he successfully shut down discussion on the topic and "dietary science" was completely subverted for decades by this hypothesis. Obviously Big Food was also pushing this, so Keys had major money help pushing his agenda, but still. Most people still regard animal foods as dangerous to this day, when in fact the contrary has been clearly demonstrated.

Today, well... Climate polticial bullshit "science" or the chinese cough or... Choose your topid... Agendas dominate, the dumbasses get whipped into frenzies and here we are.