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[–]ShoahKahn 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Niggers, in any nation, are a wholesale bane on society. The net 'gain' of the rare, "productive negro" is manifold offset by the grave economic, cultural, and societal tolls which the nigger writ large inflicts upon its hosts -- in a direct, logarithmic relationship to their representative percentage. One need only look towards their own, indigenous deserts to see just how utterly incapable the nigger is in forming cohesive societies; even in a racially and ethnically homogenous environment, and even after being given the hard-wrought blueprint for thus. This dubious characteristic, extrapolated into a laisse faire, cosmopolitan environment, can only ever end in chaos. Not unlike a cane toad released into an alien habitat, culminating in the extinction of its native fauna, the Negro will consume every resource and energy of the society it is dislocated into -- leaving nothing but the detritus of its wake.

Humans' misplaced interjection into a Darwinian process that would have otherwise long since erased these defunct anachronisms from the planet -- be that through famine, war, Mercantilism, genocide, or a combination there-of -- and using the pragmatic metric that, given impunity, no non-negro race (or species) would ever, honestly advocate for the continued tolerance of negroes -- circuit-breaks the natural course of evolution. It is the most foolhardy form of hubris to believe that humans can "catch up" tens of thousands of years of evolution by simply plonking these poor facsimiles of anthropoids (to this day, many barely even walk upright!) in the middle of civilised, developed societies. Like pouring a bucket of mud into a pristine pond, the latter will be muddied; not the former cleansed. The continuous, ingravescent issuing of this effluent through Western estuaries, will end in the death of all who inhabit the vicinal biomes.

Never say that you were not given ample warning. We are not the ignorant, "baby boomer" generation. Today, we have the tools with which to see exactly what (((the media))) have hid from us -- as part of (((their))) subterfuge to destroy "Edom". As such, we have no excuse for inaction but apathy... Or, perhaps, suicidal tendency. For once the numerical tipping point is reached -- and this is approaching at a terminal velocity, due to the exponential function that o so many fail to comprehend -- public lynchings performed by these sub-simian beasts with two legs, will become condoned and commonplace.

"You wrote me a letter, asking me if my latest work was the most terrifying thing I had ever imagined. Yes; in fact, it is... But, my imagination is not nearly as terrifying as the reality in which we live. What could be more terrifying than the idea of a multitude of niggers, running around, free and unabated in a White society? If only we had left them alone, the White man would be free to roam the stars. They would never have gotten off of their god-forsaken continent if we had not built the boats to bring them over. In all their history, no nigger had ever built one single ship that could take them across continents. Yet, in no due, thanks to our part, niggers roam in every corner of the world -- spreading their filth and their stench, and procreating with women of other species; mostly, by forcible means of rape. I ask you, what could more horrifying than the truth?"

~ H. P. Lovecraft (an excerpt from a letter to James Joyce)

[–]Ferretman 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Huh...TIL that Lovecraft was a heck of a racist....I had no idea.

[–]SMCABwhatever 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That's not racism. It's race realism. There is a massive difference.

[–]ShoahKahn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Only those who care about their own people / country / ethnicity / culture / history can be "racist"; all others are aberrant, homeless souls in desperate search of existential meaning.

"Racism" is actually an innate, biological protection mechanism that was evolved to better ensure that species did not interbreed. As humans, we've created societal constructs which have redefine the word to, simply, mean someone is xenophobic -- without any context for where the aversion to alien races stems from. For it is this elision of context that imbues it with its "mnemonic device" properties; which are then etch it into peoples' neural paths of least resistance, and through which their input information is channeled. After all, few consider that, as examples, non-negro slaves were being rounded up half-a-millennium prior to any being sought from the Africas, and that it was Africa tribes who sold the slaves to European and Arabic conveyancers, whenever they spout said programming ("racist!") -- it's just an inculcated, default position, and that's why it's so contagious and effective.