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[–]Alienhunter 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

It's a bad thing. While the public school system is deeply flawed and subjected to various politically motivated indoctrination attempts, as a whole society benefits greatly from universal public education for a number of reasons, but a major one is that in any sort of democracy, having a critically literate voting base is essential to counter the ability of capital to influence the outcome of elections through propoganda.

As it stands now hugh quality education is largely something that is only being received by the rich who both understand the value of it as well as the value in having an undereducated and easier to control semi literate electoral base to exploit.

The issue is that while the current system of public schools greatly sucks and does serve the purposes of one wing of the ruling elite, the other wing of the ruling elite seeks to remove the influence of the public schools by promoting various alternative methods that are equally problematic when it comes to educating people who lack the means to finance it themselves. This results in a large underclass and increasing social divides along with increasingly widening gap between the rich upper ruling class and the lower eternally poor worker class. The tax money spent on public schools will not go away it will simply be be wasted on something else. And while I fully support agree with the idea that private or homeschooling can be superior to the current public education system. They still have the potential to induce the same educational quality and ideological indoctrination methods one finds in a public school.

The issues with homeschooling especially is that the entire endeavor hinges on a single point of failure, namely the parents, and if they make any kind of mistake or fail to account for future trends when educating their children it has the potential to create massive problems for the child's future. There is one trend of the homeschooling movement known as "unschooling" which is some crazy hippie idea that structured education is wrong and that the students should be the ones making the primary choices in their educational decisions. What does this mean? Parents sit back and let their kids play all day while patting themselves on the back for being good teachers.

The alternate extreme of far too strict and controlling parents also exist and they end up raising socially useless children that are unable to function independently from the parents once they grow up or the parents eventually die.

While these issues can crop up in a public school environment as well there tends to be a bit more vetting in place compared to homeschooling where theoretically speaking a parent who wishes to simply neglect their children without the state noticing the signs of abuse can do so without any worry of any kind of accountability to anyone unless they are caught in the act doing something patently illegal. It should also be noted that most homeschooling is done for strong ideological often religious reasons and the parents themselves are usually swayed by larger religious organizations with their own stated agendas. For example one of the largest homeschooling advocacy groups in the US is the HSLDA, a decidedly dominionist organization whose agenda includes using homeschooling to essentially groom a new generation of leadership in what can best be described as a kind of vaguely Baptist christian nationalist fundamentalist cult environment for the purpose of creating a future electorate by which to promote staunchly religious legislation in the future. The "christian sharia" if one wishes to use that phrase. It's not handmaidens tale, but it is probably 1984 except instead of big brother, meet heavenly father.

[–]Musky 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I admire what I assume is an Adderall inspired novella, although I pretty roundly disagree.

having a critically literate voting base is essential to counter the ability of capital to influence the outcome of elections through propoganda.

Is it? It's not working. The highly educated still fall for propaganda routinely. Education does not increase intelligence. A middling intellect will always be a middling intellect, no matter how much knowledge is consumed.

hugh quality education is largely something that is only being received by the rich

The prestigious schools are gutting themselves, prioritizing inclusion and diversity, ideology, over learning. The rest are prioritizing passing as many students through their doors and maximizing profits. At this point you'd probably receive a higher quality education watching educational YT videos.

It will all work out, the intelligent are intelligent regardless of schooling, and education isn't fixing the rest.

[–]RoundOpaque 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Your assessment of homeschooling is completely arse-about-face. Homeschooling brings the teacher-to-child ratio closer to 1:1 than you would ever get in a classroom; and supplementary to that parents tend to tailor their education to the nuances of the individual child.

Yes there are weirdo ideas amongst the odd homeschoolers but moronic unteaching at schools has catastrophically bad ideas -everywhere-. The idea that learning maths by practice "doesn't work" i.e. some retard application of that retard Piaget's retardard theory: is endemic.

Even a cursory perusal of comparative studies shows a magnitude of superiority in results for homeschooling: Homeschooling is closer in form to the education forms seen in the mid-to-late middle ages, tutoring by parents, tutors (obviously), apprenticing to a trade, and squiring to another house: and the middle ages had the greatest advancement in technology and understanding of natural sciences in relation to the tools available for any period of history.

Face it: European Catholic / Orthodox Christian learning systems built the foundations every facet of -your- life that you think isn't suck. You just hate homeschooling, not because it is ineffective, but because you are a twisted and broken bigot, hating on a Christianity you know is right and isn't afraid to look at you straight on and show you that you are careening headfirst into the abyss. Because clearly when you were raised, nobody else did.

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Homeschool statistics are not particularly insightful on homeschooling as a whole due to issues with collection. Typically they compare the average outcomes of everyone in the public school system as compared to the subset of academically minded homeschoolers who choose to participate in studies. Many if not most homeschoolers are deeply paranoid of traditional education and government studies and so do not participate in these studies at all so they are not reflected in the numbers.

One you start correcting for these statistical bias you'll notice that successful homeschoolers largely come from two parent upper middle class families that can afford to pay to ensure their children have the best resources available. Which is exactly the same as people in more traditional educational backgrounds.

Poor homeschoolers tend to be where the disaster stories are focused, while some have better luck than their public school counterparts many are left with even less opportunities because of it. Again all depends on the parents and what they do as they are the single point of failure. Homeschooling in the US as it exists now is a reflection of the failure of the public education system but not in a good way. As homeschooled children are usually never followed up on it is society shirking it's duty to ensure that children are educated and the public school simply wringing their hands of responsibility for something that is no longer their problem.

However it does become a long term societal problem when we have an educationally neglected permanent underclass. We aren't quite there yet but we are rapidly moving in that direction and homeschooling is not some magic solution to fix the problem but rather a symptom of the institutional and societal failure.

Face it: European Catholic / Orthodox Christian learning systems built the foundations every facet of -your- life that you think isn't suck.

I don't live in Europe. Nor do I live in a country that was ever colonized by Europe or converted to Christianity. So this is a tenuous proposition. Perhaps you should be more conscious of the propoganda bubbles you are influenced by. This sounds very much like an unhinged emotional breakdown caused by an inability to reconcile the apparent failure of western institutions functions with their supposed divine inspired origins? The reconciliation is however quite simple. Without getting into the specifics of faith, the people making the institutions simply lied about their divine motivations. As the church is very much the creation of man it is subject to the same corruptions and fallings as any man made institution. It is a tool by which people wield power, and any tool that can be used to wield power will be corrupted by those who seek power for their own gain.

[–]iamonlyoneman[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

not reading all that

it would be a good thing.

[–]Musky 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is how you tell someone has an Adderall script, although you have to admire the effort.

[–]Bonn1770 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Ban feminism and you can dispense with the government raising our children. It is that simple.

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What if we just banned children? All our problems would be fixed within a generation. Worked in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

[–]Bonn1770 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Child Catcher Oy vey!