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[–]Site_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

To be clear when I said "they" I mean the dirty nexus of Roger stone, ali Alexander, Donald trump, Rudy giuliani, etc. They would have successfully stopped Biden's confirmation as president if pence had gone along with trump's treasonous plan which trump outlined in the Twitter link below.

This is directly counter to your statement

Nothing that happened that day would have stopped Biden

Yes. They tried. And failed

They were literally just protesters who were told to go insid

Moron maga fuckheads who attempted to violently stop the count. Insurrectionists

Especially since it was all planned out by Pelosi and her co-conspirators

Except nobody in this whole thread has a drop of evidence. Just baby tears. Boohoo, the dems made us look like seditionists because we attempted a sedition