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[–]JasonCarswellMental Orgy 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Saidit has also been usurped

I wouldn't go that far as to say that at all. We have challenges.

and you likely won't be able to create a real community here either.

There are hurdles and options like private subs. You could create 2 subs, one public to filter for the good folks and the other private for the main course. Not ideal, but it would be possible if things get worse. To remain public mods may need to remain vigilant and ban the downward trolls.

You will be subverted at every turn.

"Subverted" is also extreme. They confuse and muddy the waters and smear you, but that doesn't stop your message and most regulars on SaidIt understand there's an info war going on, though many don't always recognize it.

You will find that all the content that could effectively convince others that the mainstream propaganda is wrong will be suppressed. You will find it hard to connect with others who are red pilled. It is not as blatant as Reddit but the quarantining of dissident ideas exists here as well.

This is more than black pilling, this is unrealistic pessimism with outright exaggerations. Yes, it's not as easy as it could be if there were no infiltrators and residual normie groupthink, but how does SaidIt suppress, interfere with connections, and quarantine dissident ideas?