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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

and were ground up for fertilizer I expect

That's too ridiculous for even the official Holocaust historians. This is not something they have claimed.

that the homosexuals ... were left out of the count.

Gays and trannies weren't persecuted by the Reich for being such. If any were killed, it was for being partisans or child-rapists.

We all know jews were killed en-mass,

No, we don't. That's the point.

that's been their lot for 2000 years,

Pure projection. Every Jewish holiday commemorates their slaughter of some other nation.

The camps are there, the ovens, you can go in and look for yourself, plus there is film archive of them being herded into trains with the jew-brand star on their cloths.

None of this points to any policy of extermination.

Look at the effort the US put into Kuwait in the first gulf war!

American foreign policy in the Middle East has been centered around one end: deposing secular Arab nationalist strongmen (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad). All of which is in the service of maintaining Israeli dominance in the region, and which is led by Zionist Jewish thinktanks like PNAC.

Having a bunch of camel riders/boy fuckers dictating petrol prices to us? $7 a gallon gas?

America produces enough oil for itself, and then some. America didn't see a drop of Iraqi oil, but you know who did? Iraqi Kurds provide 75% of Israeli oil imports.

And let's not forget America's continued friendship with Saudi Arabia (the source of jihadist ideology) and the other theocratic oil monarchies.

Imagine nukes in the hands of radical arabs? No thanks.

Israel and the West are the ones supporting "radical Arabs" (i.e. ISIS, Al Qaeda) to get rid of secular Arab nationalists. Israel built a hospital on Syria's border specifically to treat wounded Al Nusra fighters. Meanwhile, Jews threaten to nuke the entire world if things don't go their way:

What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away--unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans--have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Who writes like this? Who dissects a post point for point just to argue every step of the way. Are you German? Don't answer that, you have been blocked

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)
