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[–]AsInBeer 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Not to mention Black on White crime. Not much going the other way- White on Black crime- according to stats.

I think I know what's going on. Take a population of basketball players, say oh 100 guys. You're going to get at least one James LeBron, meaning one guy whose basically racist and paranoid, both. At least one who is going to do what LeBron did- fake a hate crime on the gate of his multi-million dollar BelAire mansion, then paint over it, then call the cops LOL...

OK so these types have always been with us, and we've always gotten by without having to deal with them, but today they get validated and amplified by the media. So, paranoid racists who aren't good with statistics are being validated and held up as reasonable people. For instance, one shooting and this guy's therapist is validating his paranoid fears of White people, then he's telling this online magazine who in turn is printing it as if it's not bad judgement on his part but something new, exciting and admirable. That's amplification and validation of a paranoid mindset.

The thing is, it's incredibly dangerous. It's what Nazi Germany devolved into under Hitler and what Rwanda devolved into. This is a social contagion that can spread and get very ugly very fast. As we all now know.

We count on our media and academia to curtail or examine these things critically, like they do Scientology. But what are they doing instead? Validation and amplification.

The media needs to be dismantled. CBS NBC the MSM needs to be broken completely. They are quite literally a national security threat to this nation and its population.

If we need to change the Constitution to do it, then we will. The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Before we get there however, there's less extreme measures we can take.

We can change the liable laws. We can bring back the Fairness Doctrine. The basic problem is it's a game of "who's the authority?". By whose authority do we say someone was liabled or what is "fair". Unfortunately, even our courts, where any fariness is supposed to be impartially adjudicated, have succumbed to mere partisanship and other-hatred. It's a deadly infection on our body politic at this point.

The most practical thing we can do now is force the tech giants- who are mass-gassing viewpoints other than their own- to be broken up and regulated, like utilities. The phone company can't tell you what to say on the phone; Twitter has to meet the same fate. Ditto Google and FB.

As much as it rubs me the wrong way, I have to say- my fellow Americans, we have the awesome power of the United States Government and the laws that allow us to crush domestic threats and it's time to use those powers across the board. It's time to use the government to crush the people who would see it overthrown.

These tech autocrats are shit beneath the feet of this great nation and nothing we do to them is off limits now.

If the govt wants to break them up, force them to be regulated like a utiltity, seize their assets, let all the users harmed by them sue them amd their corporate officers and board..any or all of that is better than the civil war they're driving us to.

Today Trump told Laura Ingraham that some "very rich person" had flown a planeload of antifa into Washington DC to attack Congressmen and Senators. Homeland is looking into it. What I want to say about this is what we have to do about it is not going to be "fair" in the normal sense of that word.

This nation is on the brink of civil war. Both sides are ready to kill each other. They have mutual contempt, and refuse to engage in meaningful dialog. In a marriage that's divorce; in a nation that's civil war. We know where it's coming from. These institutions need to be dismantled and the first one to be broken has to be Big Tech. Next the media has to have any privileged claim it has on our nation's airways and tax code removed. This will let new media get some breathing room and start to bring a little light to what's going on. We have to preparre the ground for a truly Free Press.

Second academia has to be defunded and dismantled. The best and fastet way to do that is to reflect back on them the student loan debt. Let the students discharge their debt in bankruptcy and make the universities pay for it.

Right now universities are essentially living off the indentured servitude of the students who took out loans. Students can never pay them back and they can never get rid of them. SO we value funding the Marxist universities more than we value marriage, which can be discharged in divorce. Trhat's insane.

That money and that sweet no-bankruptcy deal for the university's "customers" is what keeps the university and all its Marxist professors well funded. It pays their salaries adn their shining glass and steel sports stadiums and dorms . It funds the deep six and seven figure salaries of the Deans of Diversity. That's right folks, the indentured servitude of students funds their Academic People's Worker Party.

Don't say history doesn't love irony.

We should also think about letting students who have been damaged by the university hate courses sue the universities for the psychological damage they've inflicted on them. There need be no statue of limitations on this. One day, students will realize what the whiteness courses did to them and their psyche and they will want justice. We should make sure they can get it.

Finally, we need to pierce the corporate veil that shields the university presidents, trustees, provosts and chancellors from liability. The standard should be this: either they knew or they should have known that what they were doing was damaging to their young adults. Let them be sued, personally. Wreck them. That would pretty much put an end to "whiteness" courses.

We shoud also be able to recover for the widespread academic fraud that is Critical Theory which is literally defrauding the US taxpayer. It's not even a matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact that these prtofessors are generating what they know- or should have known- was literally word-salad garbage.

Yes, all right, we normally woud abhor the government getting into the business of adjudicating the fine details of what universities teach and do. But between doing that and civil war, which one do you choose?

It's time to bring the hammer down. Hard. It's time to make them scream on the way into their graves. They've been living off the fumes of the decency of past generations- generations which didn't need to have this level of supervision and review. Well, those days are over.

I am prepared and you should be prepared tonot just say yes but to demand the government shatter the universities and their damaging, fraudulent pseudo-sciences and to crush forever their student-slave-owning Marxists profs.

Like I say, it's that or civil war.