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[–]JasonCarswellMental Orgy 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Blaming the left again proves nothing and adds nothing to your nonsense case.

I AGREE that the First Nations were anything but simple minded children.

They were and are NOT retarded.

"They would fight each other to the death whenever their hunting grounds overlapped."

This is so general that it could apply to anywhere in the world. A king would kill peasants for hunting "his" deer.

"They just never kept any records of it."

Actually most First Nations had a rich oral history and depending which nations you're referring to many had physical recordings. There were and are many nations, just as there are on any other continent.

"The colonial "wrongdoings" are the only thing you were taught so your teachers could control what conclusion you came to."

They don't even come close to covering the wrongdoings. Further still, they don't even come close to the wrongdoings that they would do to each other - or even members of their own tribe. I could shock you with stories of some traditional practices that seem savage to us Westerners. Then again, what I see in these riots is certainly on par.

"You will realize that ever human being on earth has a dark history."

Now that is truth.