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[–]Tarrock 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

While Q is fake, OP is the dumber mother fucker for believing what he does.

Modern day leftism is propped up around 2 things; 0 self-responsibility and conflicting goals. We've seen it time and time again. So, let's start with self-responsibility.

Get pregnant? Well, you should be allowed to have sex! It's not your fault, just get an abortion. Gotta fund Planned Parenthood even thought They have more than enough money to donate millions to democrat candidates Your body your choice!

Black man arrested for drug crime? Well, that's institutionalized racism. It's not your fault for doing something illegal, it's whities.

Corporations are evil and shouldn't exist. Meanwhile, they're private companies and can do whatever they want. Leftists love protecting corporations nowadays and they all know the left are useful idiots who they can use as a shield and milk as a cow. The companies once attacked by Occupy Wallstreet are now using these same people as an army just by throwing some rainbows around.

I need 15 dollars an hour. Also, we need to import tons of immigrants. When your parents and grandparents say that in their days, they could've bought a house and supported a family on 1 income, they weren't lying. You can thank feminism for the current state of things. When women were massively brought into the workforce, there was an oversupply of labor since the labor pool just about doubled. When there's a bigger supply of labor than demand, employers can give lower wages since someone will do it for cheaper, and wages can stagnate since if you're unhappy and leave, once again, they can hire someone for cheaper. Not to mention the desire to increase the labor pool more with immigrants. Illegals take low paying jobs which effects the left's beloved black community the most. You'll never hear them talk about that. Also let's not forget how many middle class jobs are being sold out to India via H1B1 for pennies since, like I mentioned earlier, corporations = good for supporting immigrants.

Not even going to mention how the left's love for Islam, Minorities, Queers, and Feminism are all self destructive since the groups all hate each other with one of those groups ready to kill the other 3.

Modern day leftism is ultimately a power grab and an attempt for lazy people to keep being lazy.

[–]FreeJulianAssange 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Keep fighting your neigbour while the banks rob you blind. Red V Blue ftw. Good luck with that.