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[–]mikipika 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Notice how there are not a lot of ads for alcohol or tobacco? Not sure where you are or where you have been. I've bartended on both East and West coast of the US. Been to bars in other countries. You sound like you escaped that alcohol prison. Absolutely good on you! IMHO you ae making a generalization of people that is demeaning. Alcohol addiction is a problem and hating on those poor souls is demeaning to both you and them. To be honest, I feel the way you about processed food. Except the weak part. Obesity is the problem I see, and it arises out of so many different issues that let's no start that rant today. Stay on course, I'm rooting for you!