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[–]Chipit[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You fucking're the problem. You can't take your mind off it. You never want to do it, so you just...pretend you can. Pretend you can be happy for the rest of your life, and be good at everything you do. And I'm...I'm the only one who can make that happen. That's why I have to kill you."

"I'm not a fucking incel," Anna said, raising her hand. "I'm the fucking happiest girl in the world!"

"I guess we're not even related," Kristoff deadpanned, as he reached for his glasses. He took them off, tossing them to the ground. "Sorry."

US women's soccer team loses 5-2 to high school team of 15 year old boys

By Alex Dideroski

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A group of boys in California's Riverside Unified School District got a chance to learn how to be a professional soccer player this weekend.

The 15-year-old boys from the high school's soccer team beat a young female team of the same age 5-2 on the soccer field of the Riverside Country Club in Riverside.

"The boys were very happy. They got to learn how to be a professional," said Brian Smith, president of Riverside Country Club, where the boys play. "They learned how to keep the ball in the air, and how to be tough. They didn't have to fight for it all the time."

"No, I'm just not," Anna shot back. "But I don't wanna have a boring conversation either. You're going to try and talk me out of this, and I'm not going to give you an inch."

So Feminists Are Just Going To Ignore The Fact That Lena Dunham “Sexually Assaulted” Brad Pitt?

Let's be real, feminists do not care about the truth and facts. We only care about being right and we don't give a damn about the consequences. If the feminists and the mainstream media get away with this story, then there is no doubt in our minds that we will be able to get away with other things as well. So what are the consequences of this story?

Brad Pitt Wasn't Really Sued For Sexual Harassment By The Woman Who Accused Him Of It

The first consequence is that it's not true that Brad Pitt's name was ever mentioned in connection with this sexual assault. The lawsuit was filed against a man by the same name, but it was filed by a woman named Emma Sulkowicz. This was a clever move by Dunham to try to

[–]Chipit[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Sarah Palin is A Cunt.

Sarah Palin, of course, is not the first right-wing blowhard who has called Obama a "monkey" or "welfare queen."

And even before she was a Republican, Palin was a racist.

Palin was the GOP nominee for Vice President in 2008, and in a debate with Barack Obama she said the following about blacks:

"We've got the welfare queen out there, taking advantage of these poor people, taking advantage of our government, taking advantage of our tax dollars. And I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and let that continue."

Palin went on to describe Obama as a "big teddy bear" and a "humble Negro."

And as the Daily Beast reported on January 17, Palin's racist history goes back a long way:

"It wasn't until a few years later that she began to embrace the 'alt-right' (a

buzzfeed reports

"In the first week, nearly 3,000 students in the region had signed up, including more than 400 from the city," he told the Huffington Post.

But he warned of a potentially larger issue.

"It's a very small percentage of the population of those who have been infected," he said. "I'm worried that if this rate increases, it could lead to a significant health concern for these young women."

Read more about the virus here.

If you have an experience to share, please contact the BuzzFeed Community:

influential feminist huffington post

"In my view, the primary social benefit from such a change is that it will result in fewer women who are dependent on government assistance." (p. 15)

"I also think that we need to reduce the number of children who are born into poverty in order to decrease the size of the welfare state, to decrease the number of individuals on welfare and to increase the percentage of our population that is working." (p. 17)

"We also need to ensure that women have options for education beyond their primary education." (p. 21)

"To increase the number of women in the workforce, we have to make sure that the choices they make are the right ones. That includes getting married and having children." (p. 22)

"There is no point at which the state has to step in and force a change in our behavior or in our aspirations." (p. 25)

[–]Chipit[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Amanda Kijera was on a humanitarian trip to Haiti, when she was violently raped by a black man. She is also a white American.

She later went on to graduate from Stanford, and received an M.A. in psychology. She went on to get her Ph.D. at Harvard University.

What did she think about her work at Harvard?

"I did a dissertation on the neurobiology of sexual attraction. It was very challenging, because I had never been taught anything about neurobiology of sexual attraction. And I had to write it in a language that I was completely unfamiliar with."

As Amanda wrote in her blog, she was in a "languorous period." She was at Harvard, and "struggling to come up with ideas for my dissertation." She was also a single woman, and in need of financial assistance.

"Don't try to understand women; women understand women, and they hate each other." (I love this line.)

The "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" quote, which I believe is attributed to Einstein, is about the idea that there are some important differences between men and women. It's an amazing quote. But the "men are from Venus, women are from Mars" is an actual quote attributed to Einstein (and you might not be able to figure out where it's from, if you're not sure the quote is from Einstein).

This is the quote that got me thinking:

"If the question is: Do you want to be a man or a woman? There can be only one answer: you."

— Albert Einstein

When I think about these quotes, I wonder how Einstein would answer the question "Do you want to be a man or a woman?" — in his own words. It's a difficult question, so I'll leave you to decide. What I do