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[–]Alienhunter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is a problem with tying a bunch of superfluous stuff to unnecessary electric systems. Touch based auto unlock is great. Especially when it's cold, but if there isn't a manual failsafe then it's stupid.

Like most newer cars I see these days have a push button start. Again it's nice to not to fiddle with the key. But they have an actual key ignition under the button just in case the battery in your key dongle fails. Which they absolutely need.

But if the battery fails on an electric car you ain't driving anywhere anyway.

I suspect Toyota is correct with it's hydrogen gamble if these anti-gasoline environmental policies stay. Hydrogen works now. Electric cars have their situational benefits but they are in no way a good replacement for gasoline in many situations.

Plus it's not like there is any real financial benefit to the electric car unless we go full nuclear and power is cheap. If you're still using fossil fuels to get the electricity there is little to no point.