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[–]madcow-5 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Agreed. The old reddit style interface is the best for discussion.

Narcissistic designers concerned with making things look pretty or modern vs. conveying information or ease of use keep fucking with it though. Parler had that shit interface, so did gab, and even the reddit redesign.

[–]Vagina7 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

do you remember how when you load parler how it shows an animated "P" on the screen? what the fk was that all about? its not like its gotta go thru some huge initialization process, omg.. and i found their interface to be complete crap, there was junk all over the screen and i found it difficult to navigate..

i used to write my websites in the 90's using a linux box to write C programs that would execute and spit out raw html..I could calculate the time from beginning to end of execution and it was something really small like 0.0023 seconds. I seriously doubt that parler was quick like that. and that is precisely why you are always hearing about how they think that they need twelve supercomputers to run some piece of crap website that could really be ran on a 486 pc just about if it were written properly.

and hey, when you are building a web server... do you really really want the latest and most bloated version of microsoft windows to build it on? sure, if you want your site to run slow, lol.. in a perfect world situation, i would want to use a "stripped down" or "thin" version of linux, such as tiny core linux.. that thing runs like a bag of greased butter.

i know what many modern developers thoughts are when they develop web code.. they like to use a bunch of fancy schmancy javascript for which they have to use forty different versions of their site depending on when browser you are using, when they could get the job done in a much cleaner way by using more basic html that is understandable by probably 99% of all browsers, lol..

to produce a webpage, first the webserver needs to deliver the html to the internet pipe.. if that html is bloated, that is a problem, that takes time.. then when your browser receives this html it needs to read it and render it.. heavy javascript, css, bullshit takes time.. i am guessing that parler did not fully understand these issues.

saidit gets ten stars from me, nice and clean, fast loading pages, childishly simple to navigate.

video: wargames - malvin and jim

[–]madcow-5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Narcissistic designers who want their designs to look "modern", meaning look like whatever style is trending. That's unfortunately what their peers look for and like in design, as opposed to practical and useful interfaces. It creates a nasty feedback loop, especially when they're constantly looking at each other's work to blindly follow what they think is the new trend.

There's also a problem in larger companies where roles are divvied up further. You'll have lots of "web designers" who are really just graphic designers and couldn't build a website themselves if their life depended on it, making all of the creative decisions, while just handing off comps for the devs to code. Means people with different priorities making the decisions.