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[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

All of the data that goes through any telecom service in the US is copied stored and analyzed. If you go to a restaurant google can tell you the last time you were there. They have a map of everywhere you went with your cellphone. They have every contact in your phonebook and know everyone you call.

If you think you can investigate a politician for crimes, or follow child traffickers to the mansions of the elite forget about it. As soon as you deviate from your routine they know you are up to something. As soon as you step into a neighborhood you should't be in they know. If you think you can leave your cellphone at home, it doesn't work. The will flag any person who is not transmitting a cellphone signal and identify them with facial recognition, or their license plate, or the RFID in your credit card.

Also if your argument is "nuh ah, here is one fantasy I invented where someone could get around it" then you are brainwashed. You are literally inventing nonsensical arguments to hold on to your programming. The exception does not disprove the rule.

[–]Sixto 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Alright then, entry level scaremonger...

All of the data that goes through any telecom service in the US is copied stored and analyzed.

I don't live in the US and have a US based telecom service. I don't have a private phone number.

If you go to a restaurant google can tell you the last time you were there.

I don't use any google products, please explain how they know I'm there.

They have a map of everywhere you went with your cellphone.

Who? The telecom companies? Yes. That's why I leave "my" phone at home a lot.

They have every contact in your phonebook

I don't see how since I don't store my phonebook on a google enabled phone or at their servers. Are you saying they've hacked my home server? Oh shiii

As soon as you deviate from your routine they know you are up to something.

My day to day dealings haven't had routines since 2015. Not even when I leave in the morning and when I get back to my domicile is routine.

As soon as you step into a neighborhood you should't be in they know.

But how? Cameras? Who are "they" in this case?

The will flag any person who is not transmitting a cellphone signal and identify them with facial recognition

Are you saying "they're" cross-referancing all positive facial ID's with active cell signals and have mapped everyones faces?

or their license plate

Don't own a car.

or the RFID in your credit card.

Don't have a credit card, don't have a debit card. Also RFID tracking is just the newest thing so I don't have any sort of customer cards for database cross-reference.

Also if your argument is "nuh ah, here is one fantasy I invented where someone could get around it" then you are brainwashed. You are literally inventing nonsensical arguments to hold on to your programming.

You're the one that invents arguments you can debate against. Don Quixote and windmills much?

[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I don't live in the US

Then none of this is relevant to you. If you live in China, of course Tik Tok's spying should concern you. This thread is about Americans and the current anti tik tok narrative that is being pushed by the MSM, and by shills working for Jewish interests on websites like this one to justify the banning of Tik Tok in the US.

You are like a fucking fish trying to argue with birds about the dangers of tree snakes.

On top of that you don't even understand the fucking argument. I said "if you use these services you accept that they spy on you" and your rebuttal is "you're wrong because I don't use these services". Fucking Retarded.

Everyone who is an exception like you to literally everything, who doesn't use any social media, have a cellphone, or a car, or credit cards, or a drivers license, and lives in a cave has nothing to worry about and can call the people who use tik tok idiots for not being concerned about Chinese spying. You can all literally fit in the same cave. THE EXCEPTION DOES NOT DISPROVE THE RULE. You are still a hypocrite for calling me a fear monger when YOU are on the side of being afraid of Chinese spying.

[–]Sixto 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Then none of this is relevant to you.

Everything in your post is relevant for the average user in all developed countries. Outside of your navel is the five, seven and eleven eyes and I happen to live in one of those. Fortunately for me I'm not an average user.

This thread is about Americans and the current anti tik tok narrative that is being pushed by the MSM

My bad, I thought this thread was about "83% Of Users Don’t Mind Tiktok Is Collecting Their Personal Data" as per the title, and with only 26.5 out of the 800 million monthly TikTok users being from the US I was thinking it was 3.3% about Americans.

You are like a fucking fish trying to argue with birds about the dangers of tree snakes.


On top of that you don't even understand the fucking argument. I said "if you use these services you accept that they spy on you" and your rebuttal is "you're wrong because I don't use these services". Fucking Retarded.

I'm pretty sure you wrote "100% of all users of any service accept that their data is being collected." Perhaps you could check your own post just a few entries up? My services are no-logging.

Fucking Retarded.

fuKCinG rEtarDEd

Everyone who is an exception like you to literally everything, who doesn't use any social media, have a cellphone, or a car, or credit cards, or a drivers license, and lives in a cave has nothing to worry about

Then you have no understanding of the cumulative effect of the current changes. They will affect everyone, also the ones living in caves.

You are still a hypocrite for calling me a fear monger when YOU are on the side of being afraid of Chinese spying.

I'm not the one spouting general statements that doesn't hold water under scrutiny.

And I don't take these steps to avoid Chinese or Russian spying. I do it to avoid American spying.

[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

And I don't take these steps to avoid Chinese or Russian spying. I do it to avoid American spying.

Then you are a moron. If you don't live in America, or one of America's bitch countries, then you have absolutely no reason to give a fuck if America knows anything about you.

[–]Sixto 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you don't live in America, or one of America's bitch countries

Every country is either America's bitch country or in need of American liberty (at least have been during Pax Americana). My country found out early on it was best to bend the knee. Our latest greatest was donating $56.235.000 to the Clinton Foundation and not opposing your appointed ambassador that was so hopeless the US itself decided it was best not to send him.

you have absolutely no reason to give a fuck if America knows anything about you.

You have absolutely no understanding of how international dragnet info is traded.