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[–]wristaction 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They aren't though. The Pennsylvania Democrat party holds the Governor's office, all of the state executive offices, a majority of the state legislature, a majority of the US House members and both Senators from that state.

This is Fox feeding you some chatter by Democrat as "Eating Their Own" propaganda. "Eating Their Own" propaganda is used by controlled opposition media, which Fox certainly is, to convince you that your side is winning by doing nothing. Typically, it'll be a story about a fight within the Democrat party between "moderate liberals" and "the extreme left" over an issue. They'll show you this and invite you to believe that the party is falling apart. In reality, five minutes later the Democrat party is unified behind the further-left position and there has been no Republican-led opposition to it because, in place of an opposition campaign, there had only been this "schadenfreude" chum about the Democrats "eating their own".

I want you to look at the Democrat party's dominance over top offices in Pennsylvania and tell me: does the Republican party even exist in Pennsylvania? If it looks to the Democrat party's members as if it were "amateur hour", who is there for them to lose to? They don't, clearly, have opponents who are professionals, do they?

So, again, all this really shows is that there are members of the Democrat party of Pennsylvania who possess the requisite levels of conscientiousness and competence required to see deficiencies in a political organization and to address them with urgency. The Pennsylvania GOP has no such personnel.